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We'll see about that. But it's a bit warmer today and that is most welcome!

I am very fortunate that, even at my advanced age, my body works very well. In fact, I'm making plans to test my physicality next summer by climbing all the 14,000' mountains in Colorado (54 all together). I've been up a number of them - and there's no such thing as an easy mountain - but doing the whole list in, say two months sounds really satisfying.

And to top that, I'm thinking about riding my bike from Michigan to Colorado, climbing the peaks, then riding back! That idea comes from Goran Kropp. If you don't know his story, check out his book, ULTIMATE HIGH.

So, life is supposed to be an adventure, right?



Views: 41

Comment by scribbler on March 31, 2010 at 7:06pm
I could go up all those mountains in two months too. All I'd need was a chair lift LOL. ;) What motivates you to do that, Alan? Are you of the Edmund Hillary school of thought? He once said that "people do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."
Comment by Howard Alan Lantzer on March 31, 2010 at 7:58pm
Hillary's words work for me! I've always been intensely physical...but born that way. I find a rare joy in testing myself against some difficult, but meaningful, standard. Getting to the top of any of these mountains is NOT easy, but the way the universe opens up from the summit simply can't be duplicated.


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