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I can hear it through the trees..Feel it on my feet as the grass brushes over my toes..I can smell it in the air and see it in the sky.

The beautiful flowers are birthing from within their pods and showering me with beautiful colors..
Rich reds, handsome blues, fuschia pinks, and golden hues.

Spring brings about change, hope and promise that just as life goes through seasons; that although things fade away, die in time, there will always be a new coming and we can hold our heads high for the promise of new beginnings and a rebirth of souls. If not for seasons where would we be, what hope would we hold.

Views: 14

Comment by michael r. oconnor on March 17, 2010 at 2:58pm
It has always amazed me how important the season changes really are.Once I moved to Florida, and lost the freshness of spring, the bite of winter and the loss of colors, I believe I lost a small part of myself.I enjoyed reading this very much.


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