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To be lived better comparatively to other and neighbors be a compassionate and endurable person rather than a man of trouble and vengeances maker.

Because every action and reactions are integrate by their respective residual effects to enjoy or suffer.

To be known as a man of very good or a big social worker it does need to build a good relations in your surrounding as with society, community, and even all neighbors.

Because any of your egoism and boasting behaviors ever can’t be creating any positive attitudes about you to your surrounding and others.

Who cares your enormous power, wealth, and high status to be bowed to you for your honor without any of your good works and kindly favors?

To be a man of reliable appraisals recognize and value someone’s any success and positive hard efforts as a man of praiseworthy to be advanced further.

Instead any of your envy and miserly exposing will drastically harm your cognitive psychology to be a permanent state of disorder.

Never think and thought to harm others, so that in the future all these inferiority of your harms thinking equally boomerang to your earthly suffers with enormous mental tortures.

To be a good & honest social solver never biased by any flattery and cunning side’s fable statement ignoring other side’s saying without hears.

Otherwise, you will be liable and accountable to Almighty or natures in your hereafter life after your departures.

To be honored yourself in the society and all communities initially you have to honoring others equally as you hankers after.

Because universally it is established that “To every action, there is an equal opposite reactions forever”.

Never make any ill speaking and bad rumors about any friend or neighbors to any of your companion socially for your worse title in the society as a man of spinning master.

In turn, over a time you will be ignored and disliked by all your surroundings for your unsocial & lonely future.

To be a social leader, be a man of strong social solidarity in your society by your various participation, interactions’, and contributions for society’s collective wellness and welfare.

Because be a leader is not an easy matter, this is why leaders should have some charismatic persuasion abilities to be motivating others gifted by nature.

Never resides any conventional and traditional boundary rather thrive impulsively to get out from these false and fable structures to reach all contemporary social structures.

It will greatly help you to coping and adjusting all modern and civilized societal environments to be conquering your all progressive & humanity formulas.

Because staying in these old fashions and out of order traditions you can’t be a creative person in needs of present digital and fast global world’s notion and intensions.

Never disvalued any value of relations for your so called higher status by underestimated and looking down someone to others to feel yourself as a man of exceptional class.

If ever you do these, once in your future you will be ridiculously disvalued by others to be enjoying the people those you did underestimate and hate by you, during your very high status dwellers.

So, Stay Off from all egoism, high boasting, ill speaking, and prejudice in actions for any of human discriminations.




N. Sarder

Toronto, ON







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