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attitudeThis week, I finish up the essays my students submitted regarding Attitude. I've enjoyed reading and sharing them. March's theme has been Courtesy and I look forward to reading the essays regarding that subject.


My paper is on attitude. Attitudes can be good and some can be bad. If you look it up in the dictionary, you will find that attitude means “ a feeling or disposition regarding one’s feeling.”

Attitude is very important. It shows what kind of person you are. Would you rather spend time among a bunch of ungrateful people that make you grumpy or with a group of cheerful people that make you cheery? (I would go with the second, but that’s just me.) Sometimes your attitude depends on your maturity.

Whenever I have a really bad day, I can notice others, and, if they are cheery, I can take after their examples. The same thing happens vice-versa. Your attitude can very well affect others. Just try to keep that in mind and be the best example you can be, especially to little ones.

So let’s review. Attitude is important, and it can affect others. It shows what kind of person you are as well. Let your attitude show that you are a good person.


The definition of attitude is “a feeling or disposition with regard to a thing or person, usually with the mind.”  I define attitude as the way you feel or think about someone or something. Attitude is important because it can shape the way you rule your day. It can completely change how you do something, good or bad.

A poor attitude is not good for your soul. It can ruin your day with just a single thought. If someone was running down the halls at school and they turned around to see the new kid walking toward them, they could choose to see what the person was like, which would be good attitude. Or they could just judge them for what they've heard about them. They've been having a bad day, so they choose to bear a poor attitude. They judge the new person rudely and storm off. That kind of stuff ruins your day and you can rarely recover from choosing a poor attitude.

Choosing a good attitude, however, can brighten your day. If you were strolling outside because it was a beautiful, warm day and storm clouds begin to form, choosing to the enjoy the walk you took and not being upset that you couldn't walk longer makes you feel a whole lot better about it. It makes you want to enjoy the rest of your day, and it makes you want to have others feel the way you do.

To me, attitude is very important. I try to choose a good attitude, but a lot of times I fail. That's okay, though, because with a good attitude, anything can happen! With a good attitude, it's possible to keep myself and my emotions in control, keep myself always happy, and, even better, it's possible to give others the gift of true happiness. Attitude is a key to joy - and you can share that with others, too.

Attitude is very important to me, and it should be important to you too. If I have a good attitude, I just know that God is with me wherever I go. I try to use my attitude to enlighten other people's days. That is a good way to use your attitude. Any type of attitude can make an impact on your life - either good or bad. Which will you choose?

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