I broke my computer the other day cause it was going slow. I'm guessing it's my fault, i should really have more patience, but I was mad because I had 3 more chapters of Cody Miller on there that I was going to post up THAT EXACT DAY! :(
I also had a book I was writing and it already had 15 chapters...I lost it all. So, I'm never going to smack the palm of my hand on a computer screen EVER AGAIN 'cause last time I did that, something very bad happened...
I'm just mad about all the stuff that was saved on there that I can't get back, especially Cody Miller, because i dont think I'm going to e able to remember all of tat, and they were really long chapters, I was proud of myself...Oh well, just have to make it even better this time XD
Anyway, just wanted to explain why I havn't been on authors lately, I'm using my mom's computer whenever she come back from work, but im etting a new laptop for christmas, so you'll see me on much more frequentely after december :)
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