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Surface Tension » by darkmatter)

In « Surface, » the sixth chapter of « The Dam, » the protagonist/narrator is gradually returning to activity after having transformed into who they feel like being. Ultimately, they reach the surface where a new existence properly begins.

In the storyline, this step marks the end of a long process of metamorphosis wherein one has endured many hardships and shed that which belongs to their former way of being. Once released from the demanding transition period of the immersion, they are free to emerge and revel once again, safe in the knowledge that a necessary rite of passage is now behind them, and that they have reached the beginning of an inspiring new phase of their life.

This wasn’t intentional from the outset, but the first part of this chapter turned out to sound quite a bit Pink Floydy. Not that I'm complaining or anything...

The piece is an instrumental, so I've written the following poetry to accompany it :

the dam has disappeared
the obstacle is cleared
the dreamer persevered
a new way pioneered

goodbye to the cocoon
engineered to attune
ablaze is the maroon
delighted by the boon

submarine observer
the barrage i ponder
and question its nature
a past to decipher

attracted to conflict
an affliction addict
inclined to self-inflict
dignity derelict

adept at self-torment
self-loathing abhorrent
self-image delinquent
self-esteem deficient

outflows and transgressions
and self-degradations
dreadful expectations

magnetic inceptions
of foiled aspirations
and divine deceptions

in self-hypnotizing
of prize undeserving
the hope undermining
the dream abnegating

behind i left my plight
obvious in hindsight
a shindy for the blight
was hindering my flight

bright light above liquid
the way up is limpid
confident and lucid
i rise in the fluid

further elevation
impending progression
triumphant emersion
sheer rejuvenation

remedy artistic
tethys therapeutic
water sympathetic
poetry prophetic

i'm on the other side
no more jekyll and hyde
i'm ready for the ride
the tide i will abide

« The Dam » is a 22-minute long suite in 8 movements that uses the metaphor of water flowing from source to ocean to illustrate the process of individual growth.

As the title suggest, the focus is directed on one major obstacle/life-changing experience, symbolized by a dam on the river, which the protagonist/narrator has to conquer in order to reach their intended destination.

The storyline is inspired by my own life and struggle to reach the goal of earning a living through my artistic output, as opposed to working a day job to support myself and invest what’s left of my energies in artistic pursuits on a part-time basis, as I’ve done for the most part of the last twelve years or so.

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