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A new installment of Thad Brown’s “Smoking Gun Sisterhood” is out and it is a doozy. Thus far there have been five installments in the series and this one is such a great addition to the other titles; they just seem to get better and better as I follow along. Thad Brown knows how to write; he just flat out has a way with the written word and has made me want to read the next one in the series as soon as I finish the one I just downloaded. The installments are well thought out, the characters are complete and well- constructed, and his plotline is executed so well he makes it seem effortless. The term, “Getting the most bang for your buck” is a no brainer with this series; Thad Brown goes over and above the call of duty with each installment. The word count on each of these are novella sized, the smallest one that I have read I believe was in the neighborhood of 12,000 words with some installments as large as 30,000 words. For this reader, I am more than grateful for each and every one as Thad Brown weaves humor, action, heart and soul into each installment. Have you read one of the installments in this series yet? Do yourself and get on Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Noble’s Nook and begin the journey of incredible reads from this author. There are no disappointments to be had.

Here is the synopsis:

“Shandra Kendall, a tough undercover cop, is assigned to bring down a vicious big-time crime lord.  But that same assignment already cost her best friend her life --and it may claim Shandra's too, unless she's quick, shrewd and plucky.”

Don’t know about Thad Brown, check this out:

“  Call me Thad Brown.  My real name is classified, to protect the guilty –I mean the innocent!

After being born at an early age, I made it through the K-12 educational system (though I didn’t like it).  From there, I went on to pick up a graduate degree or two, travel a bit in the U.S. and other countries, and become a writer, among other occupations (all of them legal –cross my heart!).  For the background of this book, though, one of the most important things about me is that I’ve been a lifelong admirer of strong, brave heroines who face life without flinching, and especially of kick butt heroines: ladies who can swing a sword, handle a gun, or throw a punch; who can go toe-to-toe with a villain, look him (or her) right in the eye, and dish out justice.  Growing up, I was a big fan of the ladies of Charlie’s Angels and The Avengers (and before that of the comic-book adventures of Supergirl); and over the years I discovered other heroines in this mold, onscreen and in print.  It’s my great privilege to be married to the world’s most beautiful and sexy woman, who leaps tall buildings with a single bound, catches bullets with her teeth, outruns speeding locomotives, and takes down a bad guy or two every day.  (All right, she doesn’t really do any of that stuff –but in my estimation, she could!)  Some of her qualities went into each one of the heroines of the stories in the SGS collection, if it’s only her good heart and fighting spirit; in its way, the book is my homage to her, and to all the real-life heroines out there, noticed or unnoticed.  So stand tall, girls; us guys salute you! “

 New from Trestle Press authors this week: Chantal Boudreau “Weighing Fate”, Mark Cooper “How I met Your Mother”, Darren Sant “A Good Day”, Mark Miller “Daniel’s Lot” & “Meant to Be”, Wenona Hulsey “Burden of Blood”, Joan Meijer “The Rescue”, Robert Ford “The Curse of The Translucent Monster”, Laurie Bowler “Fangs, Inc. The Tortured Revelations”, Michelle Vasquez “Second Hand Bookstore”, Ed & Eunice Vought “Best Friends #4” , Thad Brown, “Lights Out”, William Tooker,”Bad Angels”, April Pohren, “Dream Me To Death”, Angelique LaFontaine & Eddie Frantom,”Thirty -1 Reckless”’ John Reed “Winter Hill Exhumed”, Allan Leverone/Paul D. Brazill ” The Darke Affair”, Julia Madeleine “The Devil’s Music: Raised in Hell”, Paul D. Brazill “Brit Grit”, Molly Edwards “The Willow Spring Killer”, John Reed ”Another Lousy Day in Paradise”, Alexandrea Weis “For You”from The NOLA series, and Giovanni The G-Man Gelati “Holy Chrome Bocce Balls on Fire”.                               

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