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Thanksgiving- Enfranchising Consciousness.

Prose & Artwork-

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. x

Thanksgiving is a time of special celebration in 2018.

Kundalini Butterfly- The Symbol of human potential.

Copyright- Labour of love 2018.

A Humanitarian Trinity.

This year has marked 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War, as

acknowledge in my previous homage post for Armistice.  This spring heralded

the 100th Anniversary of Women's international voting rights and 2018 also represents

70 years since the foundation of the UK National Health Service....

Aptly enough, I launched Humanitarian Healing webs this year.  The concept is a long-term commitment, interdependent on the support of kindred spirits.  Many of my forthcoming publications will be written to illuminate the ethos of Humanitarian healing as humanity stands at a crossroads in the matrix of consciousness. 

Carl Jung would doubtless perceive 2018 as a year of synchronous humanistic landmarks.  Few social commentators have connected with the Gestalt implications of such a defining twelve- month phase in history.

2018 in many respects represents a potential realisation or 'coming of age' for humanity, urging us to embrace the altruistic aspects of the human condition.

Key concepts:  -

Realising the language & lexis of pure consciousness,

- Enfranchising human potential.

- Gratitude healing- giving thanks to our personal role models.


* See Stephanie Lynne's humanitarian healing catalogue of works.

Her forthcoming work on Christ will support the launch of Humanitarian Healing webs.

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn - Kindle Author's 'Labour of love' books.


'Kutastha Chaitanya':-

meaning 'Christ consciousness'.

The latent cocoon- from which the spiritual kundalini rises!

Welcome to 'Kutastha Chaitanya'- the kundalini butterfly; a potent semiotic for the enfranchisement of human potential.  My forthcoming release on Christ Consciousness and healing is pitched on the intersection of thanksgiving and Christmas.  The release will mark the close of a year that has served to prime socio-cultural awareness of the potency of grace procured by the act of mutual fellowship.  Humanitarian Healing web seeks to unite secular and spiritual approaches to human salvation. The project is simply egalitarian, not political or financially orientated.

My work on Christ has been realised from a single minded vision.  I, the eternal existential agnostic, have gradually mellowed.  Having originally connected with the essence of energy healing, during my work as an energy healer, I began to hone bio-resonant artwork.

'Kutastha Chaitanya' kundalini butterfly contains the aura of Christ consciousness.  The butterfly was my first 'channeled' spirit art portrait.  I believe her to be a living archetype.  Kundalini butterfly represents the image of the 'the very hungry caterpillar', by Eric Carle (1994 Edition).  -  A classic tale that my family adores so much!  This wonderful book provides a perfect allegory for the unfolding of the human narrative, as we all grow & maturate.

Many of us read this engaging tale of the hungry caterpillar as children; yet within the hunger of the apparently inconspicuous caterpillar lies the beauty of spiritual hunger.  My incarnation of Christ's healing essence has not been realised through archetypal symbology of the crucifix or through merely the oratory of the four gospels of the New Testament.  I have realised the 'living Christ'- through the Pantheistic signature of intelligent design in nature.  At the base of my forthcoming work on the multi-faceted 'organic Christ', I am launching an image gallery illustrating the gestation and birth of a new language- a lexis of the soul.  

Aphrodite's spiritual love.


Advancing the Human Narrative.

The fruition of the expressive language of Christ consciousness is depicted in my forthcoming book through the concept of the '12 step-plan'.  The 12 step plan has always been spiritually resonant from its conceptualisation.  There are distinctly Pagan, organic roots to 12-step therapies, yet these principles may be applied more diversely toward the realisation of human emancipation!  At Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are exposed to a period of excess.  Vulnerable groups of people should be remembered, as the opulence of the western world ignites into overdrive.  The humanistic ethos of 2018 should rightly be equated with enfranchisement and support for those in need of sanctum or salvation in a practical sense. 

In my book, the 12 steps towards human emancipation captured in the iconography of the growing, feeding kundalini butterfly are all inclusive.  The first steps outlined for the reader simply ask us all to consider what nourishes us in our lives- what aspects of our lives are we dependent on for our survival?  We need not only think of our vices or addictions, it is equally positive to contemplate the most replete aspects of our inner self. 

The second and third steps in our spiritual journey towards enlightenment demand simply that we elaborate and consider those closest to us who inspire us or have offered positive role models...  There will be illustrations and short experiential exercises in the work.

Personally, I cannot be without Gaia, and am interdependent on Mother Earth's resources.  My art & prose have been inspired and supported by family & friends.  I am immensely grateful to my creative, artistic friends who have given me impetus through encouragement over the past few years.  Strategic moral support despite the challenge of Lupus, has enabled me to live expressively.

Bill Wyman & author Stephanie Lynne, The Grosvenor reception, 2008.

Bunbury Cricket tribute to Ian Botham.  Thank you:  Derry Thorburn, photo.

Gratitude Healing:

I am especially thankful to Dr David English and Bill Wyman for friendship and assistance with ingeniously penned Forewords/ Prefaces to many of my Labour of Love bestselling works since launch in 2012.  In fact the ethos David English's esteemed Bunbury pro-celebrity cricket club bears many similarities to the ethics of Christ consciousness.  David English's charity initiatives are all undertaken with the spirit of freedom, fun, courage, determination and giving to the community.  We all need role models; role models are overtly lacking in modern life.  Christ consciousness is immersed in the heart of Krishna consciousness.  Many musicians and creative muses I have met during my career in creative media are imbued with a wonderful spirit of altruism.

Stephanie Lynne & David English, The Grosvenor 2009.

Cover image for Stephanie's biography of David English,

RSO Records & Bunbury cricket...


So my special thanksgiving is dedicated to friends and family- esp. Gina Way, Gaynor Dore, Tony F. Sales, Sergio Lebid, Louis Andes.  In spirit, I am always grateful to the example set by the late, great Swami Paramhansa Yogananda in relation to the domain of Self-Realisation/ mentoring.


Family congratulations...

Many congratulations to my brother Derry Thorburn this thanksgiving.  H.M. the Queen visited his workplace this week to mark the 150th Anniversary of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).  Another seminal cultural landmark for 2018!

Related Links: 

2018 Humanitarian Anniversaries.

Birth of the Kundalini Butterfly.


Stephanie Thorburn- Remembrance- Great Hope for Humanity.

The National Archives:  Representation of the People Act.

100 Year Anniversary of Women's Voting Rights.

NHS England:  NHS England 70 Year Anniversary of NHS


Another wonderful UK institution-

150th Anniversary of RICS, Nov. 2018.

RICS- 150th Anniversary Celebrations.


*Humanistic Organisations supporting a distinctly spiritual pedagogy: -


Self-Realisation Fellowship:

Paramhansa Yogananda, a spiritual-science fellowship:

(100 year Anniversary not far away!)

Crossroads Clinic, Antigua

12 step-plan therapy clinic,

supporting integrated holistic approaches to well being.

Pagan 'world tree', uniting humanity.

Stephanie Lynne Thorburn - Kindle Author's Labour of love books.

Thanksgiving blog in support of the fruition of

Humanitarian Healing webs.  x

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