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1.   THE SAME MAN:  Joe introduces himself to us and states some of his philosophies of life.

2.    JANE'S INITIAL ANALYSIS:  Jane Doer explains how she transposed Joe's taped spoken words to typed prose.

3.    INCIDENTS ON A DESERTED RURAL ROAD:  Joe speaks of what befell him and a friend years before the           other more basic developments related in the book.

4.    IMPRESSIONS OF APRIL BEGINNING:  Philosophical verbalizations taped two years before the taping of the majority of Joe's other spoken realizations.

5.    OBSERVATIONS FROM JOE'S HOME:  The same as number 4; also taped two years prior to all other tapes except number 3.

6.    THE ROBBERY:  Joe recounts his attempted bank robbery.

7.    THE TRIAL:  In a reality of the Earth other than his own, Joe is found guilty of two attempted crimes, and sentenced to a retribution of backward time travel.

8.    PREPARING FOR JOURNEYS UNKNOWN:  Joe mentally prepares himself to fulfill the sentence executed upon him in chapter 7.

9.    A RENAISSANCE LIBERATION:  MEETING LEONARDO AND MONA LISA:  Joe travels to fifteenth century Florence and meets the great artist and his famous subject.

10.  WORDS FROM ORLON:  An introduction to the book, moved farther into it by decision of its author and Jane Doer.

11.  A TRIBUTE TO LAURA:  Joe's words of praise for his deceased first wife.

12.  THE DEATH OF ABEL:  Joe experiences a tragic Biblical occurrence.

13.  A LETTER TO JOE FROM JUROR THIRTEEN:  Juries have thirteen members in the reality in which Joe's trial was held.

14.  TEMPORA:  What befell Joe in 1865 when he returned home after fighting for the Confederacy in America's Civil War.

15.  TEMPORA CHAPTER TWO:  Same as 14.

16.  TEMPORA CHAPTER THREE:  Same as 14 and 15.

17.  WINDIGO ISLAND:  Windigo Island is a reality of the earth which changes daily.  Its next day "landscape" is actually painted by an artist on each prior day.

18.  JOE EXPERIENCES THE BIRTH OF POP CULTURE IN THE 1950'S:  This chapter's title needs no further description.

19.  THE MAN BEHIND THE SCREEN:  The man behind the screen was the thirteenth juror at Joe's trial.  In this chapter he's sent backward in time to the 1950's.

20.  FEAR OF A THIRD REALM:  Joe experiences the paranoia accrued from an imagined possible "third alternative" in the afterlife.

21.  THE CIRCULAR SHIP WITH RIDE:  A simple toy sends Joe and three others on a perilous otherworldly journey.


23.  JOE MEETS "THE FALLEN ANGELS" WHILE IN THE AFTERMATH OF TERROR:  Joe meets the angels now referred to as "devils," who "fell out" with their Master, the Christian God of heaven.

24.  THE DARKENED ROOM:  Joe journeys to the abyss where eternal damnation is experienced by Lucifer and his fellow damned.

25.  HOME FROM THE DARKENED ROOM:  Joe returns from the abyss.

26.  SAN FRANCISCO:  FOR PEACE AND LOVE:  Joe is sent to the heart of the 1960's counter-culture revolution.

27.  OBSERVATIONS FROM MANHATTAN:  Joe is sent to New York City's classiest borough where he experiences personal "philosophical observations."


28.  MEMORIES:  PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, AND RELATIVELY RECENT: Joe is sent backward to the days of dinosaurs.

29.  THE LIGHT OF OGIDNIW:  Joe visits a unique reality of the earth.

30.  FROM APPLES TO STONES:  A philosophical discourse which also alludes to some of Joe's retributive journeys.

31.  THE NORTH SHORE ARTISTIC ENCLAVE:  Ralph Hawk's efforts to settle and resettle "artistic type" individuals to the near north side of his and Joe's city are recounted in this chapter.

32.  KWAH AND THE RELEVANT MASTERS:  Joe visits the religious reality of Kwah.


34.  NEVER TO SIN:  Joe visits a reality of the earth whose inhabitants have never sinned.

35.  THE DEATH OF JOAN:  Joe experiences the life and death of Joan of Arc.

36.  THE RETURN OF LAZARUS:  Joe experiences the return to life of a man who had been dead.

37.  THE DEATH OF THE MOST VILE:  Joe experiences the end of the brutal Nazi regime.

38.  CIVILITY AND PROPRIETY NOW GUIDE THE WAR AVOIDERS:  A philosophical discourse concerning what mankind can do to better its future upon planet Earth.

39.  WINDIGO ISLAND CHAPTER TWO:  Joe returns to the ever changing reality.

40.  ALONE IN EDEN:  Joe visits the Garden Of Eden, which today exists as one of Earth's 54 parallel realities.

41.  FROM STONES TO APPLES:  The same as 30.


43.  OBSERVATIONS FROM JOE'S HOME CHAPTER TWO:  The same as 30, 41, and 42.

44.  WINDIGO ISLAND CHAPTER THREE:  Joe returns again to the ever changing reality.

45.  THE TIMELESS LIGHT:  Joe experiences that realm of eternity which we must all hope to access upon our physical earthly deaths.

46.  HOME FROM THE TIMELESS LIGHT:  Joe returns from the heavenly realm of the afterlife.

47.  TEMPORA CHAPTER FOUR:  Joe returns once more to the old Civil War era mansion.

48.  LAUREN:  YOU BELONG TO THE PAST:  Joe speaks to his high school girlfriend.

49.  IMPRESSIONS OF APRIL ENDING:  A philosophical discourse.

50.  A NEW PLANET:  Joe is rewarded for having completed his journeys of retribution.

51.  THE YOUNG MAN BY THE RIVER:  Joe encounters a strange young man who obviously is native to an earthly reality other than his.

52.  PRAYERS, PETITIONS, AND FAREWELLS:  Joe tries to evaluate some of his experiences, and also says "goodbye" to all who've either heard or read his words.

53.  A LETTER TO JANE FROM SHARON:  Joe's soon-to-be wife writes to Jane Doer.

54.  JANE'S FINAL ANALYSIS:  Jane Doer analyzes all she's encountered on Joe's Tapes; and also speculates about the influence those tapes may now have upon her life and the lives of others.

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