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I am going to tell you a tale of a little girl who grew to be a writer. What was it that this little girl who grew to be a writer, writes about? Angels. How do I know this? I am that little girl.

For as long as I can remember, I have seen Angels. My earliest memories are looking out my bedroom window into the night sky and watching the Angels swing from star to star, singing the most beautiful songs, while others danced across the sky, their wings fluttering like diamonds against the blackness of the night. I will let you in on a few little secrets, what you might think is a shooting star is really angels playing baseball, hitting a homerun across the sky! Thunderstorms, Angels bowling, and lightning Angels with bow and arrows hitting the bulls eye!

As a little girl when I was scared and couldn’t sleep, I had Angels singing me lullabies. Being the oldest of my sister’s I was never alone before they were born, I played with Angels, across the lawn, on the beach, across the sky! I never understood why the other kids couldn’t see Angels when they were standing right in front of them. Whenever I said that I saw angels as a child I would be made fun of and told I was crazy. I never listened, I know what I saw. What do Angels look like? As a little girl the Angels I saw had long flowing gowns made of the silver threads of the Milky Way, beautiful wings that rose so high, as I grew the Angels took on the shape of the homeless, the poor, the sick. They could be in rags, or hungry, their bodies racked with disease, Aids mothers looking for a home for their children after they were gone. I always saw through the costume, behind the disguise were still the flowing gown and the wings. Through their tears I heard the melodic voices that sang to me as a child.

My Angels have picked me up when I fell down, comforted me when I was sad, pushed me when I needed to be pushed and applauded me when I have succeeded. They are always there in the shadows of the sun, in the mist of the morning, in the darkness of the night. If you listen, in the morning, just before the sun rises, you can hear the Angels greet the day, their glorious voices praising God’s magnificent creation.
So listen for their voices, call on them for help, thank them for their protection they are waiting for you to accept them into your life.

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