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The Burning Bush is a book of poetry. It is a part of my heart, mind, spirit, body, and soul. I started writing this book three years ago. I was writing to pour out part of myself and to allow myself freedom. If we bottle ourselves up we shall surely die. I needed these words to pour out of me. This book is about my life before and after Christ Jesus. It is my testimony, my burning bush. I hope my words help someone who reads this. I hope it will touch and show them that life can get better if you go in the right direction. I have traveled down many paths in my life. I have strayed off the right path many times, but thanks to my Lord and Savior, I have been placed back where I belong. I look at my life now and see I am not where I once was. I am still not where I should be, but each day I strive to be the best I can be.

  • ISBN-10: 1424172292
  • ISBN-13: 978-1424172290

Rave  Reviews

 Invoking and Insightful

Tabitha Robin Mirror Friend My mirror friend standing before me It is a reflection for me to see She is there to show me how I look She is the cover of my book At the same time, when I talk she talks Together we both stand at a halt She helps me pick out my clothes She tells what I look like from head to toes No matter how I look she lets me know She stands with me until I go Through life she will be my reflected friend Helping me out from time to time, until the very end Poetry is supposed to invoke feelings in the reader. Tabitha in her poems does just that from sadness to joy. Her poems are full of color and faith. She explains life through her eyes and her experiences in a way that we can understand. The poems ¿Best Part of Me¿ and ¿A True Friend¿ especially touched me. For some who read this book, they will relate to the same kinds of life experiences and will appreciate her insight. I feel that any one that likes to read poetry will enjoy this book. It is definitely one book that should be enjoyed more than once. I give it a good

5***** stars and enjoy doing so.

Review by Maryann Nooner



I just got my copy of 'The Burning Bush' today. When I opened my mail box and seen what it was I tore into the package like a kid in a candy store. I began to read, I was captivated. It is so spellbinding and wonderful. You should get your copy today. You will not regret it. This author is going to be one of the Greats. She will be remembered for all time.

Reviewed by a customer at Barnes & Nobel



The Burning Bush by Tabitha Robin is a fantastic collection of poetry 'and a few surprises as well'! Tabitha shows her long and windy road to the present in her writing. She wonderfully weaves her words using rhyme and rhythm on some, while mixing witty and elegantly laid out arrangements on others¿all of which will quickly penetrate to your heart. Tabitha really opens her soul for all to see¿and at the same time, the reader will ultimately find themselves searching deep within their own souls. Her words will resonate inside your mind long after you put the book down. The Burning Bush demonstrates a standard of excellence that echo¿s from the poets of old. Anyone who reads this book will certainly be in for a treat! 5 stars.

Reviewed by a customer at Barnes & Nobel


 Reminiscent of the likes of Emily Dickinson

Tabitha Robin's collection of poetry, entitled, The Burning Bush is simply put, brilliant! She writes in a style of her own, yet is reminiscent of the likes of Emily Dickinson this has such a quality that you cannot help but laugh, cry and read them out loud to your friends and family. Such poetry is rare these days, but it is such a gift when one does come across such a collection! High praise to Ms. Robin for her exploring of the human condition, as well as personal pain, love, and overall her strong faith, with unflinching and clear language. I eagerly await to read more of this talented poet's work and congratulate her on a job very very well done! Five out of five stars for The Burning Bush!

Christopher M. Lawson Author of NO MORE LONELY DAYS


Heartfelt and Wonderful

"The Burning Bush" written by Tabitha Robin, is a wonderful collection of such heartfelt poems. This author has successfully expressed to her readers, not just a vision but her religious beliefs. As I read this book, I could feel the author's strong, moral background. I believe this book will help others to notice their life around them and to appreciate the "things" that they possess. She helps her readers to understand that there is more to life then material possessions. I could not help but notice my-self shaking my head in agreement of her words and muttering "I never thought of it that why." I would like to wish her all the best with her book and encourage her to continue writing. I look forward to her next collection.

~ Reviewed by Danielle E. Hiner; author of "Growing with Joe" a memoir about raising a special needs child. 


Elegantly laid out Arrangements

The Burning Bush by Tabitha Robin is a fantastic collection of poetry (and a few surprises as well)! Tabitha shows her long and windy road to the present in her writing. She wonderfully weaves her words using rhyme and rhythm on some, while mixing witty and elegantly laid out arrangements on others--all of which will quickly penetrate to your heart. Tabitha really opens her soul for all to see--and at the same time, the reader will ultimately find themselves searching deep within their own souls. Her words will resonate inside your mind long after you put the book down. The Burning Bush demonstrates a standard of excellence that echo's from the poets of old. Anyone who reads this book will certainly be in for a treat!

Reviewed by Jeremy Twigg


 Tabitha Robin's faith shines in her book, The Burning Bush. Her words were so beautifully written that I found it hard to stop reading until there were no more poems to look forward to. My favorite is, The Old Historical Pines Bar, because it reminds me how people are influenced and how one man's simple act can affect the lives of others. I found myself nodding my head as I read her poetry because I could relate to every single one of them. This is the best book of poetry that I have ever read; truly enjoyable. Tabitha Robin did a wonderful job; may God bless her!

Reviewed by C.P. Murphy

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