'Kundalini Masters' Series- Healing Humanity.
- Prose & Bio-resolution Kirlian Images
By Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Resume Part Two: "Magna Carta healing."
June 2017.
In the second part of this blog appraising author Stephanie Lynne Thorburn's work
"Magna Carta Healing", she offers reflections on the organic cyclical nature of the plot, key themes and
core substance of this nascent Kindle work...
Original Contribution?
In summary- the plot, themes & substance of: "Magna Carta Healing- Healing Sans Frontiers" resonate in essence with an organic cyclical matrix. Parts One & Two of this resume are designed to catalyse natural curiosity. Naturally, a series of unresolved mysteries open out a Pandora's Box and beckon towards the readers' eyes...
Originality is a crucial theme to Eastern & Western healing traditions. The origin of Healing Sans Frontiers stems from a dissertation written for guru Paramhansa Yogananda's Institute. In many respects the work is intended as a cathartic act, demonstrating the author's affinity with Spiritual Healing Arts. In truth, the author's respect for Yogananda's authentic Kriya Yoga practices and principles is axiomatic...
-Readers of the Magna Carta trilogy series will be richly rewarded with a distinctly non-traditional text adapted for the needs of Amazon Kindle, penetrating beyond the realms of the orthodox work of academia in deconstructing Yogananda's spiritual lineage & legacy...
Primarily, the prose seek to support Swami Paramhansa Yogananda's mission expressed through the aims & ideals of his 'Self-Realisation Fellowship' and to actualise his ambitions creatively! This seminal yogi left a definitive, timeless legacy; yet his death was an impromptu act, generating a Karmic anomalous void...
Key connection points...
1. The connection between Paramhansa Yogananda and the British Magna Carta treatise, enshrining equal human legal rights appear anomalous in essence. Yet, a firm explanation for the marriage of these cultural gems represented via Yogananda & Magna Carta's energetic force lead the reader towards Yogananda's own eternal quest and past-life history. Guru Yogananda's 'AKASH' past-life record is also blessed by the presence of his own claims to have lived a previous incarnation as William the Conqueror...
2. Yogananda's wish to bring together the finest cultural aspects of Western & Eastern lifestyles and traditions is graciously appeased through the fruition of the new discipline of Magna Carta healing; (Kriya Reiki, a discipline that truly complements Kriya Yoga).
3. Yogananda's life was suffused with metaphorical allegory and legend. Perhaps the most infamous legend attributable to his legacy is the evidence of the immutable nature of his body, apparently perfectly preserved following his premature death. "Magna Carta Healing: Healing Sans Frontiers" is therefore respectful of the interpretations his disciples nurtured, deconstructing and considering his life journey in full context of social, cultural and spiritual factors. Fuller exploration of Eastern scientific teachings relating science with the spiritual realm or 'multiverse' are also paramount themes to this homage work.
Fractures in the lumen of time: -
'Healing Sans Frontiers' seeks to enfranchise human potential. Health education is still profoundly linked to Western pedagogic practices. "Healing Sans Frontiers" plays a significant role within the "Kundalini Masters" collection assimilated by the author over a period of eighteen months. Health education & self-realisation are twin principles in practices mobilised within this multimodal text. The book is a rewarding kinesthetic experience to read and essentially re-positions the reader into an active role through the exercises formed and articulated through prose based experiential 'meditations'. These meditation are enriched through illustrations, with Gothic and pre-Raphaelite narrative driving the vignette lessons forward. Both Eastern & Western healing traditions play an equally apportioned role in defining the orientation of each heart-felt lesson in the spiritual- healing arts.
Magna Carta Healing- Healing Humanity.
Appeasing resource scarcity- healing pact with mother nature.
The primary lesson; Future Unknown.
Content Overview...
Magna Carta Healing is a Reiki healing discipline; the discipline explores the permeable lineage of time!
The probable future status of education is considered, with the reader being asked to play their part in appeasing a likely near projective future where basic access to environmental resources may become scarce. Equally there may be real inequality in equity in future years, with developing new technologies becoming concentrated into the hands of a few elites who mobilise access to information, communication and social networking.
- Utilising the galvanising example set by Paramhansa Yogananda of pacifistic spiritual leadership, each individual is asked to formulate their own pact with themselves and with mother nature. Nurturing the precepts of Reiki energy healing, readers become apprentice Yogi's, with each fledgling healer asked to send their own family a primary resource from our present times, to share in the future unknown.
Personal Covenant: Soul Contract.
Lesson Two- Intermediate Level Healing....
Bill Of Rights.
Further, one's spiritual 'bill of rights' is formed as a personal pact or covenant, healing cathartic wounds of the past, present and future, with healers taught to respect humanity, seeking no retribution and affirming personal priorities. Ultimately healers learn to respect their own needs, as distinct from egotistical notions of 'want'!
- Perhaps the most crucial lesson learned through "Healing Sans Frontiers" is that of un-learning the thought, "I think, therefore I am"- The legacy of Descartes has resulted in the artifice of separation between mind, body and spirit, with materialistic priorities taking roots within the remit of modern capitalism. "Healing Sans Frontiers" shares a resonance with the original Magna Carta covenant for a reason- the message of Magna Carta is unerring throughout time: Healing humanity through egalitarian principles is the sincere mission of this modality- a healing modality offering spiritual sanctum to each individual engaging with its ancient foundational wisdom.
Walking in the footsteps of a healing archetypal King...
Practitioners of Magna Carta healing are effectively bathed in the spiritual quintessence of the discipline's founding protagonist Paramahansa Yogananda. Perhaps the most formidable gift imparted to apprentice Practitioners is the healing virtuosity of Yogananda, a true spiritual archetypal soul. Engaging with Kriya healing arts is to engage with Yogananda's spiritual lineage- the lineage of divine spiritual masters and earthly bona fide Kings!
Manifesting the Master Symbol.
Fledgling Yogi's are given the creative autonomy to heal themselves utilising the Master's ethereal 'coat of arms' to shield, protect & appease the soul. The Master Symbol is manifested through mindful meditation, combined with 'AUM' divine Karmic mantra.
This closing biographical excerpt is taken from the opening of "Magna Carta Healing- Healing Sans Frontiers", celebrating Yogananda's life and immutable spiritual re-awakening!
2016 indeed represented the 70th anniversary of his definitive, "Autobiography of a Yogi"! (Self-Realisation Fellowship, 1946).
Opening excerpt: "Magna Carta Healing- Healing Sans Frontiers":
"A spiritually enlightened guru- captivating hearts & minds! Paramhansa Yogananda
stands on the crossroads of human consciousness. His example as a spiritual leader
confounds traditional expectations and engages heart with mind, body & soul...
A Renaissance thinker, integrating concepts from the natural sciences, with perceptive, vivid poetic prose. His conviction in reincarnation is the very definition of 'reawakening' or rebirth. Paramhansa's defining sphere of specialism was Kriya Yoga, yet his spiritual healing and metaphysical ontology musings are equally original. possessing eternally profound, allegorical substance. Yogananda's faith in self-realisation was unparalleled, a personal mission forming a substantive raison d'etre for the Kundalini Masters series!
Yogananda's seminal 'Autobiography of a Yogi' presents to readers a truly mercurial odyssey. His memoirs complete with character vignettes of saints and Hindu gurus, complement Jung's conception of the symbolic human archetypes. He was rational yet intuitive, spiritual and enlightened. Yogananda's most distinctive human traits are all celebrated as hallmarks of
'Magna Carta' healing or the nascent art of Kriya Reiki. Yogananda's Kriya healing arts confound the artifice of conceptual binaries in human thinking. His philosophies observed
Hindu principles whilst his pragmatic approach to Kriya arts remains progressive and subtly challenging. Kriya Yoga and Reiki can be conceptualised as truly challenging 'integral human sciences'.
Images in this collection are by Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. Art includes titles- 'Self-refractions', the Magna Carta shield and coat of arms, 'Kriya Swan', the Magna Carta Master symbol....
Links: -
'Magna Carta Healing- Healing Sans Frontiers'- By: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
tually enlightened
'Magna Carta Healing- Healing Sans Frontiers'- Kindle US:
Recommended: Ananda offer educational programmes in Kriya Yoga, meditation and healing internationally.
See Ananda LA global family: http://www.ananda.org Below portrait: 'Quintessentially Yogananda!' Stephanie Lynne.

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