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The one idea I wanted to bring out in my award wining scifi novel was the day the alien Titans invaded to haverst our planet is the day everybody realized that we weren't seperate races but we are all part of the Human Race.  Its almost like, "I can say that about my brother but you can't say it."


I would love to have "love" bring the Human race togeather but I quicken the event by having us all hate the same alien race togeather.  Its not pretty but I think more practical.  A matter of survival.  I think one way of stopping wars on Earth is finding another alien race we can all fear togeather.

Peace & Love

Matt Schott

Lord Skyler and The Earth Defense Force

A scifi, action, space adventure

available on all online book stores, I hope

Views: 24

Comment by Larry A Cochran on June 22, 2011 at 4:01pm
The sad thing is that it probably would take and alien invasion in order for everybody to realize such a very basic thought. We are all one race with many different ideas, cultures, dreams, and visions for life. Sounds like an interesting book.
Comment by Larry A Cochran on June 22, 2011 at 4:03pm
I gave you a plug on my facebook downline. I hope you get a few hits soon from it. Keep working, writing, and dreaming of this day.


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