Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

So, what to chat about on a new blog? In this instance writing... My favourite subject and something of a curse perhaps.

Is it me are writers often driven people who can't help themselves? Rarely are authors looking for fame - fortune perhaps - but not fame. We are just goaded by the people, scenes and plots that unravel inside our minds and if we don't do something with them, we will go mad. Or at least that's how it feels.

At the moment, I'm in the process of finishing book 4 of the Knights of Camelot - my own take on Lancelot's love life and heroics - and publishing book 3, Lancelot and the Grail. The downside to this? My editor is trying to help me become a better writer so is nagging about sentence structure and correct use of all things horrid like commas. The upside - I'm becoming a better writer because my editor is nagging me about all things useful like... well... commas.

If you want to follow more of my mad ramblings I'm often found on Facebook and I have a website

Views: 38

Comment by Elizabeth Spear on January 4, 2012 at 4:40pm

I agree one hundred percent. And I will go further - If I can't write I am miserable. That may sound sad, it's not. Yes, I have other things in my life and believe me I do have a life, but it's a richer fuller life because of my writing.

I am beavering away on Shadows on the Moon the sequel to my fourth novel, Whispers on the Wind which is a vastly different type of novel from my first psychological thriller trilogy. And who knows there may be more to come there too. But, I agree with Sarah that the more you write, the better you get. But first, I need to finish the novel on which I'm working.I will also check out your website :)

Comment by Sarah Luddington on January 4, 2012 at 4:54pm

Miserable is true. Last winter someone close to me (who shall remain nameless) suggested that I should concentrate on things other than my writing... A very quick bout of depression hit me when I tried to follow this madness... My life is my writing. So, with the support of like minded folks, let's hope we manage to continue writing for many years to come!

I've read Whispers in the Wind, which is very good. Totally different to the things I write about but Carrie is a girl who shines so brightly you can't help but fall in love with her journey.

Comment by Catherine Green on January 6, 2012 at 11:46pm

So true! I spent five years working in jobs that made me miserable, and I finally realized what was missing when I wrote the story that had haunted me for ten years. That was it, once I started I couldn't stop, and I don't want to. Hooray for creative genius!


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