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(Sitting in church)…


I really don’t know what’s come over me.  Right now I’m at my
dad’s funeral and I can’t believe that he’s dead.  I’m trying
not to cry right now because I need to be strong.  I am sitting here
with my wife and our 3 children thinking about the day when they will
bury me.  But right now I can’t worry about that.  I can’t show my
children that I’m distraught.  I must raise my head up and look at
my dad lying in his casket.

Raising my head to keep me from crying, I spotted this beautiful
woman.  She’s so grown now that I barely recognize her. Damn she’s
gorgeous.  She’s such a distraction in my mind right now that I
can’t possibly think of my dad. (Sigh) I really can’t believe that
she’s grown now.  She’s dressed in all white which is kind of
unusual for a funeral but to be honest she’s f****** hot!!!

As I am watching her, she is crying but somehow she looks over her
shoulder at me and says without verbally saying “I love you” as I
read her sweet tender brown lips.  Damn!  I can’t believe that she
loves me but I don’t think it’s the way that I love her.  I’m
getting kind of nervous and begin to look down at my hands.  I’m
just hoping that my wife is thinking that I’m anxious about my
dad’s funeral right now.  But right now I need God because how I’m
feeling is just wrong.  Not just wrong but damn wrong.  My beautiful
wife is sitting next to me and I’m having heart palpitations about
another woman.  I wish I could scream but what in the hell do I do

(Funeral is over…)


My father is laying in his blue casket lifeless and all I can think
about is her.  But no matter what, I will get through this. I must
leave now and pick my father up because the casket is closed and the
funeral is over.  Before I leave, I must take one more look at her.
She’s still over there crying…her and my grandmother.  I haven’t
seen her since she was a little girl but I didn’t know that she
would turn out to be a beauty.  I mean my wife is beautiful, don’t
get me wrong, but it’s something about this particular woman that
has me.  (sigh)  I must go now.  My dead father is waiting to be
buried.  But she is forever in my soul.


(An hour later…after the burial)

My dad is in his final resting place (God rest his soul) and everyone
is back at the church eating.  I am with my great-grandmother trying
to console her and guess who walks up to me?  The lady in white comes
over to me and she’s giving me a nice tight hug.  She feels so good
and smells so nice. I could just eat her up…literally.  And then I
notice that I’m starting to feel some type of sexual arousal as she
is hugging me but I must hold it in.  I can’t let myself get on
hard…not here, not now, not ever.  Damn…why her God?  Why her?
(sigh) This s*** cannot be happening, but it is. And I am enjoying
every second of holding her warm body against mine right now.  But I
must keep this secret with me. I can never tell another soul how I am
feeling about this woman.  I will do my best to hold my feelings
inside of me hopefully until the day that I die. Because I can’t
ever tell anyone that this woman that I’ve fallen in love with at
first sight is my half-sister.

Copyright 2011

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