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Image as above: Tree of Life. Tree of life symbolises the unified lineage of humanity.
The Birth of Humanitarian Healing Webs.
By: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Today I established Humanitarian Healing webs. In my recent Reiki Grand Master studies, I have been focused on the humanistic theme of "Great Hope"- known as "Dai Ki Bo" in Japanese Kanji. Humanitarian Webs is dedicated to the evocation of hope and healing for human kind. Humanitarian Healing web, (HHW) is not a political or financial web domain- it is simply a labour of love... As a spiritual healer, I will be supporting causes closest to my heart and own experience. I am dedicated to humanitarian education and spiritual healing arts. I have already explored a number of key themes related to Humanitarian webs in my previous posts: - Above all, I am dedicated to nourishing human hope & happiness within Gaia- not a cliche in the modern era!
Humanitarian Healing Webs:
This post is dedicated to human emancipation- both practical and spiritual. The prose all support the goals & ethos of Humanitarian Healing ...
*Introductory verse illustrates Gaia's primal pyramid of needs.
Symbolism: Tree Of Life : Unity of humanity, enlightenment.
Swan: Spiritual emancipation, maternal love.
Kundalini Butterfly: Human potential!
Gaia's Awakening.
Inspiring Hearts & Minds...
**Spirit Art & Prose Copyright:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Yes: Humanitarian Healing Webs is dedicated to enfranchising
the voices of artist & writers!
‘Gaia's Collective Awakening’ is suffused with the crystal light of Great Hope resonating through humanity- a gift harvested from the definitive meditation of divine spirit.
Invest in Gaia’s healing- elemental healing.
Truly believe that there will always be enough water to sustain life on Earth; breathe the prana of life, allow the air to bathe your lungs.
Feel the sun’s rays seeping into your bronzed skin- you are Helios the sun, meeting Apollo in the heavens- you are the guardian of light, poetry and healing. You emanate radiance from within, nourishing hope, happiness, freedom and harmony. You nurture The Tree of Life. You are a clear emanation from source, a silent witness to the joy, pain, laughter and rain nurtured from Gaia’s eternal Gnosis.
Prose dedicated to the wellbeing of Gaia and all who dwell within.
Celebrating the Spiritual Healing Arts.
Spiritual Healing Arts are a beautiful, nurturant form of expressive healing. Spiritually replete, energy healing connects the recipient with the heart of humanity. Sincere, spiritually reflexive and integral, spiritual arts are honest, possessing a ‘vraisemblence’ beyond nature, unifying body, mind and soul.
Life Sustaining Gaia Arts.
Sacred Healing Arts overturn the mantle of science as the sole criterion for the attainment of enlightenment or knowledge. Spiritual healing instead searches for the relative truth manifest in nature via organic naturally harmonious ‘intelligent design’. Spiritual arts are energetic and cathartic. The discipline hones the fruition of human potential, enriching and providing sanctum for the human soul from the alienation of the modern matrix.
Humanitarian spiritual healing is a conduit to re-connection, communicating with lexis of pure archetypal symbolism. Spiritual arts nourish creativity and compassion to ensure emancipation of divine soul. Spiritual healing pervades a currency of ancient wisdom.
Spiritual, transpersonal, unerringly present, yet elusive. The sacred healing energy arts offer a blessed form of fecund harmonious life sustaining sanctum.
Spirit healing is a holistic, gestalt art form, humanistic in force. Practitioners of spiritual healing arts obey simply the organic quintessence of fragile ‘Gaia’ Earth.
*This text has been brought into fruition to support development of Humanitarian webs- healing humankind...
Concluding Verse.
‘The Kriya Tree’.
(Homage to the Bodhi Tree).
The Kriya Tree connects with the crossing point of light.
Kriya spirit healing art is the language of compassion. Kriya leaves open the mind to thought & sensation, resonating with the resolute universal nurturing force of the Sun’s rays.
Kriya tree shoots connect with the vortex of latent emotion- meeting mind with heart.
Kriya tree sap weeps for lost souls, the death of life, universal suffering.
The sap appeases hurt & ignorance, upholding prayers of hope.
Kriya fruit nurtures the melody of love- nourishing harmony, faith & enlightened minds.
Kriya roots meet earth with matter, sustaining life, cradling body, mind spirit & soul to the umbilical cord of one.
Image: 'Magnum Opus'- Kundalini butterfly dormant within the Kriya Tree.
S.L. Thorburn. x
From the unity of consciousness, a vortex of forgiveness opens,
Kundalini flame ignites the white noise beneath the tapestry of latent emotion,
A primal gift from an omnipotent creator,
Compassion flows from the vacuum of the mortal ecology of human souls.
Kriya Tree opens a portal towards a universe of imperceptible paradise,
Divine love & compassion emanate from within,
Harmonious surrender swells beneath latent tears,
Freedom & liberty are victorious,
Humanity unites within the branches of the Kriya Tree,
The web of Hope, the healing web of Life....
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn is founder of Humanitarian Webs, supporting
Humanitarian Healing.
She is also the Founder of the Kriya Krishna Healing Arts.
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Author's Page, Kindle.
Recommended Community Links-
New- Humanism/ Spirituality.
Collective Evolution: Collective Evolution.
Academy of Living Reiki Therapies: Spiritual teaching and healing.
Credit: Jay Burrell- Excellent Reiki Academy!
Paramhansa Yogananda:
Self-Realisation Fellowship-
International Institute of Integral Human Sciences:
Sobornost_ Fellowship of Saint Alban & St Sergius.
(Uniting faith from the East & West):
Wise Women - Mentoring community.
(I have just joined!)
"Wise women"- a traditional Jungian
archetype and an apt maxim!
Featured Charity: Lupus UK.
Stephanie Lynne has Lupus and seeks to inspire other writers with autoimmune inflammatory conditions.
Stephanie has been a patient of St Thomas' Hospital- see appreciates their diligent work!
See: Lupus UK:
Aphrodite's Rays.
Stephanie Lynne, May 31st 2018.
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