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From time to time, I ponder on the ideas surrounding the disproportionism of Black America. Each time I learn a new piece of data from history, I come closer and closer to a self-realization that there are some groups who may have been set to be where they are, when they are set to be there and nothing aside from a miracle would change that position.


Fredrick Douglas once said "Without struggle there is no progress".


So theoretically some could argue that Black, oooops, African-Americans (I use this term very loosely), have not really been in a struggle, because had this group really been, there should, theoretically be some hard progress made. Now, don't start to panic, I am not saying that Black, ooooops, African-Americans have not seen the civil rights movement achieved great things, or the ending of slavery, or “Jim Crow”, but what I am insisting is that, as a people, can we really say that we have seen progress. In my life long research, I am working to disprove much of the research that continues to put Black, I mean, African-Americans in the place of "the welfare state". As seen in most countries in African, to this day, it is seen to be in a place of continual need. I think  the opposite is true and has always been true.


In previous essays and articles, I have taken that stance that "the welfare state" has actually had the opposite effect as to what was desired upon Black, I still mean, African-Americans. In any state, it can clearly be argued
that the Black American, is in a much worst state today than that which existed before the capturing into slavery, and not much different from the exit from slavery through "Jim Crow", until now. Now, don't get caught up in a bunch. Yes, blacks are seen to have made some success, yes there is a president who identifies with being black, but one clear and accurate look at history will tell anyone that this was even the case before, during, and after slavery as well. There have always been successful blacks or Africans in this country, even before is founding. Why then has there been such hoopla over the "so-called progress" of the Black, I mean, African-American. Success is not new, I argue that it is just now recognized, or accredited to Blacks as it should. That is the only real progress. It is the progress of the idea that Blacks are just as able as any other group to succeed and invent and prosper as any other. Ok, now I ask where the progress is.

If Black America is better, then where is the progress? Really?

In a new essay, that will also be part of my manuscript coming soon "Misguided: The Black American Identity Crisis", I will work to answer this question. I am looking at historical documents and records proving that the success that is being touted as success is nothing new. It is just part of a people that has always been. I will also work to prove, hopefully, that the need for Black-America can never be met through "so-called" aid or welfare programs. These programs inadvertently have the opposite effect on a people group that has been labeled as being "left-out", "pissed-on", "discriminated against", "locked out", or any other phrase that can be thrown out there. My life long work will be that of disproving all of the subjective research that has truly
institutionalized Black, so sorry, African-Americans.

Before ending this introduction to future essays and books about this subject, here is the idea behind the use of the expression "Black American" as opposed to the politically correct "African-American". In order to be defined by the term African-American, it has to be assumed that a person has some lineage or connection with Africa. If this is not the case, how can a person be called "Italian-American" or "Asian-American". The ethnic group denotes the connection between the cultures. One being the origin, the second being where that person currently resides as a legal resident. Now, since most people who are labeled historically as "African-American" were already a part of this country when it formed, it could be said that rightly they are "American". For the sake of claiming a heritage or a culture in America, it may very well be more politically correct to term "African-Americans" as either "Black Americans", "Afro-Americans", or "Negro-American".  Lets be real, the term Black or Negro only became offensive because someone told us it was, and did not even tell us what it meant. All of a sudden, it became politically correct to say it the way the Census Bureau said it is. What?


Look out for new articles, essays, books, and speeches on this subject. There is no shame, and any argument is gladly accepted, but make sure the argument has legs and is not based on shoddy research, hatred, ignorance, or plain emotions.

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