Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
'The Lapis Lazuli: Resurrecting Christ’s Gospel'.
Oracles of Gaia.
Prose & Artwork-
By: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
© to Stephanie Lynne, Labour of love titles-
Humanitarian Healing Webs, 2018. x
Wishing the community @ a wonderful happy & healthy Christmas! This post celebrates the nascence of my new work- a labour of love text in honor of the birth of Christ.
Christ is allied throughout this book with the stone: Lapis Lazuli a gem distinguishing the aura of ancient Pharaohs including Tutankhamen. This elemental treasure of Earth assists spiritual literacy, enabling the beholder to speak truth & seek wisdom. The Lapis Lazuli stone minimises the ethereal veil that separates the realms of heaven & Earth...
'Lapis Lazuli.' See:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: 'Lapis Lazuli' Kindle homage to Christ.
Christ consciousness- one bloodline, one archetype of soul.
*The author is dedicated to empowerment through practical, emotional & spiritual literacy.
See: Literacy Trust UK.
A homage to the 'organic Christ', celebrated through prose & sacred symbology. Honoring the bloodline of the House of David: -
Christ - Lineage of the House of David, (Romans 1 1:3).
Precis: -
“When Christ was born to a stable in Bethlehem, Gaia lay as a maiden in waiting. She had received gnosis of his presence through the word of divine Kings… Jesus was born in time, born to time; ultimately his life became the measure by which we still calculate time itself in the 21st century AD. He is a pacemaker for human souls.
Christ’s presence on Earth was that of a peacemaker who served as a patron of human spiritual progress.” Stephanie Lynne.
*This etude on the life of Christ is illuminated further by discussion on the artwork of
and the wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda's Self-Realisation Fellowship.
x + x
* This work is divided into two sections- primarily the academic, (the Christ of Gospel) and kinaesthetic, in tribute to the living passion of Christ.
‘Lapis Lazuli’ addresses the theology & practice of Jesus's teachings in the spiritual community. This text is designed as a resource on Christ's compassionate spiritual leadership, with particular reference to Christ consciousness & healing.
Gaia- Earth's Silent Witness.
Gaia is the only confidante who still lives today with full dispassionate knowledge of the life, fate and execution of Jesus of Nazareth. Gaia is the mother of Christ’s ‘new covenant’ with the people- only she may be sure of the true identity of the divine spirit within he, the brother of Man (and woman kind).
Gaia is ambivalent in respect to humanity’s degradation of the environment in the era of modernity. Yet, she is incredulous regarding the crucifixion of Christ- a brother of Earth, a Rosetta in the human tree of life, as represented through the Christian ‘Trinity’. We must earn re-connection with her now detached soul.
The organic Christ lies in the heart of Gaia’s Oracle. Christ’s presence on Earth marked simply, ‘good news’ for those of faith. In this work we evaluate Christ’s teachings body, mind & spirit, welcoming those of all religions or of none into the human family- contemplating the parable of his name (Yeshua), life story and principles, reflexively.
Above: Sacred Kriya Tree of Life.
Christ: The LOGOS- an a priori presence within the heart of Gaia, conduit to ‘the all’ in the trinity of life.
- 'Lapis Lazuli' unearths the known & unknown elements to Christ's life. By opening Gaia's Akashic oracle, we may finally gain a unique perspective on the quintessence of Jesus- a universal archetype, who possesses a distinctive spiritual hunger... The author explores the language of Christ consciousness, revealing a primordial lexis of soul nurtured through the candid teachings of Gaia's Messiah. Enjoy!
See Amazon Kindle: -
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: 'Lapis Lazuli' Kindle homage to Christ.
'Labour of love' titles- Humanitarian Healing webs. Copyright 2018.
Related links:
Traditional Christmas pilgrimage: -
Birth of Jesus- Church of the Nativity, Pilgrimage route to Bethlehem
Self- Realisation Fellowship,
supporting the teachings of Christ & Krishna: (Founded by: Paramhansa Yogananda)
The Universal Light Church- non denominational.
- Author Stephanie Lynne Thorburn recommends Kindle Smile charity initiative:
Amazon Smile- Charity Initiative.
Blessings in love and light.
Namaste. December 2018.
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