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'Retrograde Noir' Image: -
Portrait of Candida Marchesi- My Grandmother, my maternal soul.
'The Maternal Blessings: -
Honoring Woman Kind'. 
Images & Prose- a Labour of Love,
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Copyright 2019. x
The below blog entry is an excerpt from my own journal whilst I was studying last year for Reiki Grand Master Degrees 7-8, honed on Great Peace, Great Wisdom.
Subsequently my work:  'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' has been written as a direct reflection of the divine feminine soul of Gaea Earth's silent wisdom.  This year 2019 represents 101 years since women gained the franchise to vote.  The Beatitudes of Mother Earth celebrates the ethos of Woman Kind through launch of Gaea Earth webs
This April I have updated the book with special links to the organisations Woman Kind and to the women's health division of Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders).  Although I believe that women need greater political and economic support, I have been truly moved by the 'front line' mission of Medecins Sans Frontiers who adeptly save women's lives:  (links at base of blog).  My work is therefore dedicated to Earth mothers internationally.
The new edition of: 'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' is complete with new content extending Christ's original blessings, formed on the supreme truths of love, compassion, justice and faith (spiritual & secular).  Below these maxims I have written a short vignette on the discovery of 'Soul Chakra'- an silent Rosetta stone within the ethereal human body.
'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' is dedicated to my own Grandmother Candida Marchesi.  She is my maternal mentor.  Candida was a woman of great cultured beauty & substance, who overcame many challenges to become a role model for Woman Kind!

"Mother Earth's Beatitudes"


See: -

Mother Earth's Beatitudes- Kindle. Stephanie Lynne. x


Welcome to Mother Earth's loving blessings. 'Gaea's Beatitudes' form a placenta for the 'Conscious Creativity' Trinity of titles, celebrating101 Anniversary of women’s franchise. The text honors the ethos of ‘Woman Kind’ through launch of Gaea Earth webs.
This galvanising collection of Earth Mother meditations unveils the deep ecology of emotional learning and sentient well-being.

'Mother Earth's Beatitudes' comprise prose, poetry and bio-resonant art, placing the 'Divine Mother' archetype at the centre of the Holy Trinity of life. The creative emanations effect a sacred temporal odyssey, immersing the viewer in a transformative Baptism of earth, air, fire and water. These spirit art meditations evolved from the author's reflections on her Grand Master Reiki studies. Subsequently, she has nurtured the nascent modality of Organic Reiki healing, exploring the great hope & latent potential of human kind.

* This mindful approach to energetic healing integrates Reiki with creative visualisation techniques. ♠

Mother Earth's Beatitudes uphold the Christian humanistic concept of egalitarianism and notions of intelligent design. Christ's Beatitudes from Sermon on the Mount are complemented well by exploration of the deep ecology of primal human needs.

Copyright 2019. 'Gaea Earth webs', Labour of Love titles.

Cover Image: Candida Marchesi- 'Grandma'. x

Mother Earth's Daily Blessings: -
Channeled by:-
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn. x
“Just for today, I will believe I may be free of worry or pain.
Just for today, I will live with peace in my heart.
Today and always, I will live with the conviction that I may achieve wisdom through perseverance.
Today, I will defer to the wisdom of another.
Today, I will help a fellow soul to achieve freedom from pain or burden.
From this day forward, I will make eternal peace and be at harmony with nature, with kin and with my own Akashic will, my soul destiny”.
Blessed is the soul who lives daily with the promise of salvation honed close to their heart.
Nb. The Reiki Grand Master’s ethics I have authored, follow Mikao Usui’s recognition of the imperfection of the human condition and the importance of positive intent. My focus is on harmonising the physical and ethereal body in face of the challenges of daily existence.
The Soul Chakra-
Soul Chakra- the 8th invisible Chakra is pivotal to synthesising the heart of energy anatomy in the Integral Human Sciences. Soul Chakra integrates the energetic flow of all 7 Chakras, offering harmonisation of the physical and ethereal body.  Soul Chakra attunes the heart centre to divine will through Mother Earth's inexhaustible life-force energies.
I am currently working on two nascent energy healing systems titled: 'Organic Reiki' and 'Classicist Reiki'- founded upon the Platonic philosophy of the idealistic 'forms'. Classicist Reiki offers a firm grounding, integrating both psychic & material realms of being.
The key accompanying Reiki symbol crucial to the blending of Organic & classical Reiki is the LOGOS: 'the all' in existence.  LOGOS forms the basis to the rational, organisational force in creation. Soul Chakra & LOGOS demonstrate the primal forces of nature manifest in energy healing disciplines- the divine feminine and the male primordial drive. 
Archetypal Role Models: -
Which human archetypes demonstrate best the attributes of Soul Chakra?
Soul Chakra represents the divine wisdom and inner happiness of the eternal Sophos.  Perhaps in our culture it is the Mona Lisa who best demonstrates the universal beauty of soul.  Candida Marchesi projects inner determination and overt spirit. 
- The humanitarian organisations Woman Kind & MSF- Women are Guardian angels of divine feminine soul!
Earth, Air, Fire and Water: -
Soul Chakra is elementally rooted in Gaia, containing equal yin/ yang qualities.
*For more information on the primary human Chakras, see:
All Stephanie Lynne's work supports the ethos of her:
Humanitarian Healing Webs & Gaea Earth webs.
Namaste, April 2019.
Key Links:
Transforming women's lives-
protecting women from poverty, discrimination & violence.
(Doctors without Borders)
The women's health division of MSF offer essential maternal health care to women. 
MSF provide assistance in natural disasters & situations of political conflict or disease outbreak.  Reducing maternal suffering, protecting lives. x

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