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     Hello World, Hello Universe.  As the 'Holidays' approach, we Prepare; decorating our $200,000 Homes to just Picture Perfect, cleaning our Yards and Cars to the envy of our Neighbors.  We Ready; practicing with Patience, exhibiting Honesty, and embracing Differences.  We apply so much GOOD Effort at this special Time of Year, to re-Create and re-Establish our flailing and failing HUMANITY; where and why does this all Fade as we re-Package the Christmas Tree, as January 15th rolls around?..  Remember as we Help a Co-Worker whom we disLike, as we Forgive a Friend whom betrayed our Trust, as we extend Kindness to the Stranger; these are the Actions and Acts of true 'HUMANITY' (meant for a Year, for a Life-Cycle), not only and just for the often fickle 'Holiday Season' (a mere Month)...

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