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He smelled blood and crossed the line into the events that played over and over in his mind, it had stopped for a time, but now it was back.

Danny could see and smell even taste the dust flying in the air, it had been a long fight not one of the other soldiers he was with could tell who the bad guys were.

That was the whole problem, not like when he was young playing cowboys, the bad cowboy always wore a black hat while the good one wore a white Stetson, and this enemy wore clothing the same as the rest of the people there. He later would remember wondering where, is the black hat. The fear it put into his heart to think that the next shot he fired could pass through the body of an innocent person was overwhelming, of course the next shot from that building could enter his body.

Danny relived this dream night after night, but he knew this fight was where he belonged for the military was his job, his life.

He once thought about leaving, but he ended up calling his mother at 3:00 am to say that he just couldn’t see himself out among civilians. They just don’t understand the importance of his job, how they have freedom to do, as they like because of people like him. Willing to do a job, anyplace in the world to preserve freedom, keep everyone safe and do it with pride.

When he woke, he knew he was safe, in his home with a view of mountains and trees at least until his next deployment. He thought to himself this would be the view I will remember when I am back in the fight, where there is sand as far as the eye can see.

Sandra Kitchen

Views: 33

Comment by Viviana Arteaga on October 3, 2009 at 8:53am
Wow....just simply wow.
Comment by Kay Elizabeth on October 4, 2009 at 7:03am
Sandra, you brought a tear to my eye. Well done. My brother in law's in the military and I worry about him so much facing situations like that. I can't wait until he's back for good safe and sound. Bless them all. What was the inspiration behind that?
Comment by Sandra Kitchen on October 4, 2009 at 7:09am
Thank you, both Viviana and Kay,for the kind comments. Beside the fact that I have a vivid imagination my youngest daughter is in the military, and I have had plenty of sleepless nights. The story started as a short story for a group of writers I belong to where we often challenge each other with a beginning or theme for short stories. This was "crossed the line," that needed to be used in the short story.
Comment by scribbler on October 6, 2009 at 4:45am
I can't imagine how any parent copes with that. I'll keep her in my prayers Sandra if I may. That was an admirable piece of writing. I wish they would all come home soon.
Comment by Sandra Kitchen on October 6, 2009 at 4:51am
Thank you, Scribbler on both accounts. I am right there with you hoping they all come home soon.


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