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Once upon a time in a country called America, in a state called Washington lived an ordinary man and an ordinary woman.
One ordinary day in May the ordinary man met the ordinary woman and they fell in love.
After two years of ordinary dinners and ordinary movies, the ordinary man and the ordinary woman decided to get married.

On October 15th, a very ordinary day, the ordinary man and the ordinary woman were married. She walked down the aisle in an ordinary gown, while he in an ordinary suit waited at the altar. They had an ordinary wedding, bought an ordinary house and settled into a very ordinary life until . . . . . . . . .

On September 9, the ordinary man and the ordinary woman gave birth to a HERO, a beautiful baby boy with big blue eyes and the most beautiful smile. HE WAS ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY! Why was he anything but ordinary, well he had a choir of Angels smiling down at him, and every time he smiled they sang, the most beautiful songs, never before heard on the earth. Now the ordinary man and the ordinary woman who had never seen such an un-ordinary sight in their ordinary lives named their little boy Rex.

As he grew Rex was a happy baby then a happy little boy who had angels to play with. When he was 5 Rex was visited by his grandfather who gave him a gift, it was a miniature American Flag. Rex had never seen one before and asked his grandfather what it was. Rex’s grandfather an ordinary man himself, sat Rex on his knee and began to tell him all about America, the history of how it came to be and how many many brave men stood up and fought for their right to be free. How they left the lands where they were born and came to a new land that promised them the right no matter the color of their skin, or what religion they believed in, to live happy and free. He explained to Rex that many of the men who fought for freedom, died so that others could live because of their sacrifices. He explained how the American flag was made and what it meant to all Americans.

From that day on Rex knew he would be a soldier. He would fight for all people who wanted to be free.

As he grew up, Rex loved his country more and more every day, and when he turned 18 he became a soldier. With the Angels at his side he fought many battles for freedom. He saved many lives and was awarded many medals. Every day before he left his bunk, he spoke to the Angels and asked them to help him protect freedom.

One day Rex was asked by a newspaper man why he was a soldier. Rex answered because free is what all men should be, and those who have it should fight for those who don’t. Are you afraid of dying asked the newspaper man? The answer that Rex gave would show why he is a hero. No, if my dying means you can live free for even an hour more, then dying would be worth it. Besides Rex said, I have always been in the company of Angels and they will carry me to heaven. So the little boy, whose parents were just ordinary people, became an extraordinary hero who always walked with the Angels and never had an ordinary day in his life.

The End.

Views: 52

Comment by Ale Mahogany on January 3, 2010 at 3:33pm
" is what all men should be, and those who have it should fight for those who don’t."
^That! Wow! It's a really good line! ;)
Comment by Linda Siciliano on January 3, 2010 at 4:19pm
Thank you very much, Rowen
Comment by scribbler on January 6, 2010 at 5:43pm
That was a wonderful tale, Linda! Thanks for sharing it. I like the way you replayed the "ordinary" theme over and over to emphasize how special Rex was when he came along.
Comment by Linda Siciliano on January 8, 2010 at 3:02pm
Thank you scribbler. Rex is a real soldier we have been pen pals since the first gulf war. He is a truly amazing and inspiring human. I have very blessed to have him in my life.


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