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Novel writing is demanding!
The novel writing process incorporates elements that must be blended and mastered to create a successful novel. I’ve developed a series of articles that will help you unit these diverse elements together and craft that prize winning book.
Once mastered, your readers will know where they are with a setting that has a unique sense of place, populated with a carnival of characters that are believable and invites the reader’s empathy as they face perilous situations, and descriptions that are loaded with specific and vivid details. There are other elements like Point of view and Sub-Plots that are also discussed in separate articles.
The information in these articles helped me construct four novels: A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile, the national award winning The Ghost of Atlanta and Phantoms of Rockwood. Now, I’m still using this information as I construct my fifth novel, Stormy Winds.
Elements of Writing Series: Please click to read the entire series: Point of View, Description, Setting, Sub-Plots and Building Dynamic Characters:
Biography: Mr. Thompson is a former Creative Writing Instructor at Evening at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and a National Award Winning Author. Mr. Thompson’s third novel, The Ghost of Atlanta, is a 2011 Gold Medal winning National Award Winner that was recognized by Readers Favorite.

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