Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Those That Can, Do. Those That Can't, Teach...or something like that.

Since the problems with writing come in all sorts of sizes and types, I decided the best way to find the answers to my problems was to take the subject of error, by the throat, and teach a classs.


I can tell you it worked. Not only did I uncover a multitude of questions I could not answer appropriately, I also retrieved a lot of answers from my students. These students aren't just "run of the mill" folks. They are ex-school teachers, who have retired; musical talent from yesteryear; and just plain people who want to write about their lives.


We all joined forces and told of our experiences, read some things that we had written long ago, and read some recent writings as well. As the director of the class, I was able to introduce a lot of writing guides, learning tools, and even expose those wonderful people to some books they had never seen before. One imparticular I have had for several years. It was an advertising book introducing "Ziggy", by Tom Wilson of  the American Greetings Corp., to department stores along with another favorite of the time called "Holly Hobby." What made my book so special was the front page, written for, and to, me, and signed by Tom Wilson himself.


If you want to accept the challenge, set up a class to teach and you will be surprised at the outcome. I started with ten people in my class and finished  with eight after a month. It was worth while because even though a small group, the things I learned could never have been discovered anywhere else. Try it and you will like it !!!

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