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I'm Thriving with my Mental Illiness and so can you, my book details personalized components to bring ur mind to a balance. Guess what's in my purse, Thriving with Mental illness speaks to the Deep Depression Tornado System Theory (DDTST), an unpacked understanding of symptoms. From the outside looking in, this author should have been on the book circuit a long time ago. We would have never experienced her thriving perspective on mental illness if tragedy would have completed its course when she was seven years old. Now introducing Armesha Lynn, a mother of four adult children and two grandchildren. A Chicagoan to the heart, she raised her children in the toughest projects in Chicago in 1999, Cabrini Green Project Rowhouses. Living an undiagnosed life, survived with the symptoms of bipolar I, PTSD, and cluster B personality disorder, now she’s on a mission to unpack her deepest thoughts and behaviors on these illnesses because if you let her tell it, you can thrive with a mental illness.

She begins to address the power of partnership and how working with others is more powerful than we can see. One of her symptoms is the fear of people and how, in her mind, people are viewed as
threats, but her crave for connection and partnership is so strong that she creates a practice that she utilizes on a regular basis to self-talk her self into connecting with people because she say “partnership is the new cell phone.”Armesha’s future is filled with providing hope as well as access through knowledge to those individuals who are looking for what’s next in their lives. She has made it a part of her lifelong agenda to never see mental illness as a suppressed, superficial, speedy conversation again. Mental illness will now be front and center because of her.

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