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Thursday: Thor’s Day.
A Homage to Thor....
(Part Two)./
Prose & Art:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Thursday is named according to the legend of the Norse God Thor.
The Viking still spirit lives within many subtle aspects of modern culture. Viking society was seminal, mystical, organic in essence. The Vikings represent 'LOGOS' the male, rational organisational principle underlying creation.
Source Quote: Time and
“The English word Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Thursday means Thor's day in Old English. Thor is represented riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding the hammer. In most languages with Latin origins, the day is named after the god and planet Jupiter.”
Thursday – Fourth Day of the Week -
My forthcoming work on Thor is unlike many epitaphs to Viking supreme rule during the feudal era. The Vikings are renowned for conquering & killing. The Viking invaders were responsible for colonisation of many regions internationally from Scandinavia to Scotland! Vikings also had a penchant for commerce, allied with the indulgent epicurean pleasures of good living. The stealth and brawn of Viking raiders is still cherished in association with fearsome weapons of war they wielded. I will not be celebrating the hallowed swords of Viking heathen warriors, or the crafted oak long boats they rode in conquest. I am celebrating ‘Mjolnir’- Thor’s mighty hammer.
*Stephanie Lynne's forthcoming work on Thor will shortly be added to her
catalogue of Kindle organic, holistic & lovingly crafted etudes:
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn- Kindle Titles.
Walking with the Archetypes of Soul.
Thor, Norse God of Thunder is suffused with divine quintessence innate to our elemental universe. He embodies the still tough, visceral nature of life in the Viking period, with man pitched against natural elements. He also is a protagonist of Pagan myth & metaphor- it should be remembered that the Viking Gods have a lineage dating back to the 8th Century AD... Archeologists have predated Thor's conceptualisation to well before the maturation of Viking culture.
Humanity began in the Stone Age as primordial users of tools, then acquired the precepts of language. Language has rarely been purely prosaic in nature; humans rapidly learned how to communicate the language of spirit. During the Bronze Age, Pagan Gods were conceived, ultimately each Pagan Norse deity was subsequently immortalised in poetic myth over the passage of time. Thor was celebrated from the era of the Bronze Age through to the epoch of the Viking era! Thus Thor reigned as humanity conquered symbolic concepts, as a tool to worship the archetypes of our mortal soul.
Humanity however, cannot conquer the natural environment of Mother Earth. Thor's Hammer controls the essentially feral, uncontrollable domain of the native elements- but only in man's hopes and dreams. Control of Gaia represents the final frontier of human mastery...
The Vikings overcame many obstacles in the icy Scandinavia & Nordic region in order to exist. Daily life was formed around farming, with husbandry and fecund crop growth being essential for subsidence. Yet, Mother nature is sovereign ruler of the environment- this fact has humbled even the Viking spirit of victory.
Man's Humbling Lesson- The Lost Viking Colony.
Nordic Vikings-
The lost Vikings of Greenland were a colony of people who remind us of the fundamental principles of natural lore. The lost Viking community of west Greenland has remained enigmatic in nature to this day. However, this tale of the unexpected does not tell of a great Viking battle with fellow human adversaries. Modern day scientists have adeptly excavated the remains of the lost people in order to open out Pandora's Box... The implications of subsequent scientific studies have proven prophetic.
- The Lost Viking colony died due to the failure of the farmers to control agriculture, their animals also fell lame. However, it was discovered on closer examination, that the dearth of the lost Vikings of west Greenland occurred ultimately due to the climate change- a mini Ice Age engulfed the previously thriving Nordic community.
It is not surprising therefore that the Viking people worship Thor. Thor's Hammer controls the entropy, chaos and threat of not only invaders, but the raw power of the elements.
Thor's elemental empowerments are integral to my biography of Thor are are thus suffused with divine spirit of grace. Thor is a traditional spiritual warrior. He comforts, defends and restores natural justice. Thor supports Gaia, his impact on the environment is galvanising, yet cathartic.
Thor is undoubtedly Mother Earth’s most loyal, courageous son. Gaia Gnostic meditations celebrate this fact. Humanity needs to ensure that we do not suffer the same fate as the lost Viking people on a far larger economy of scale. We do not wish to become a transient race, as Gaia struggles to support our lives and evidently primordial appetite for organic destruction.
Stephanie Lynne's biography of Thor is a forthcoming Labour of Love title, devised to support the ethos of Gaia Earth Webs.
Thursday: Thor's Day.
Friday 27th July 2018: Lunar Eclipse- Blood Moon.
Thor is symbolised via the yin/ yang opposition of the moon and sun
in combat. Thor ensures the positive forces of Apollo reign over Earth's dark energies!
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* Tonight, the unprecedented heatwave here in the UK will be eclipsed by a blood red moon, representing the most significant lunar eclipse of this century.
- Will Thor unite with the red moon to generate a unique electromagnetic 'purple haze'?
During the heat wave there has been a notable absence of thunder or rains appeasing our humid conditions.
For further information on the lunar eclipse, see: -
(Tracing the pathway of the eclipse internationally- best views:
Europe & Africa).
Prose & Art: Copyright, 2018. Lovingly crafted with soul. x
Educational Sources:
Rainforest Foundation, (UK, Norway, International)
Promoting sustainable living, securing sustainable lands.
Protection from deforestation, ensuring the rights of indigenous communities: -
See: Pagan Religion of the Vikings-
Tracing the religious myths of the Vikings from the Pagan era to Christianity.
The Lost Viking Colony of west Greenland: -
The Viking Feudal Hierarchy: Slaves, farmers & aristocrats-
Viking Feudal System- Stratification.
Related Post: "Thor: Earth's Force Majeure", Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Thor: Preview Text. (Part One).
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