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Turin Shroud-
By author & artist: -
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Gaia’s burial cloth of Christ...
"Turin Shroud expresses the exhalation of a single pulse- a heart beat of reciprocity as the divine spirit gracefully retrieved his son.
The shroud cloth is a holographic image, recounting the implosion of a singularity, a fractal universe, woven within the eye of creation".
*Images & Prose © to: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Labour of Love Titles.
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'The Humanitarian Web'.
Culturally humanity is awakening from a latent hibernation, whilst still privileging our own ego needs. We live in a modern world that maintains a veil obscuring the definitive 'truth' of a plurality of human dilemmas, favouring science and rationality.
It is the latent ‘inner child’ of being that drives our insatiable need to analyse the axioms of definitive knowledge, the origins of our own mind and destiny of our very soul. These concepts form the foundation to personal authenticity.
At this time, I am reaching a crucial stage in development of a series of thematic projects. As integral to the fruition of my forthcoming Humanitarian web, I am completing a series of revisionist biographical vignettes on charismatic spiritual leaders. A corpus of this work is orientated on the lineage of the ‘House of David’, with reference to the genealogy and spiritual legacy of King David's bloodline.
Royal House of David- Genealogy.
In the modern world of constant flux, there is a clear need to embrace the skills and therapeutic benefits of spiritual mentoring. Modern culture has become remarkably mechanistic, increasingly we are losing a sense of ‘true faith’ and interconnection with nature. As a Reiki Grand Master, I have been reformulating some of the pedagogic materials central to my own discipline. My work on the hermeneutic aspects of Christ’s life make this work distinct from previous accounts. My art and prose on the enigma of the Turin Shroud especially are primed on the eternal Gnosis and nurturant ‘prana’ of Mother Earth’s breath of life. The Gaia Gnostic perspective offers a unique, seminal insight unlocking the symbolism of the Holy Shroud. Gaia's sentience is unbounded, her soul engages with a maternally orientated form of wisdom, providing emotional freedom from anthropomorphic solipsism. (1)
This homage to the Shroud is dedicated to some of my most sincere professional peers. I would like to express my appreciation for the dedicated work of brother Timothy Hogan and his late father Steve Hogan; a masterful exemplar of a faithful Father & Son, who have inspired my own work!
My identification with ‘House of David’ is naturally written in resonance with my own father David Thorburn. Thanks to Professor David Silverman (Goldsmiths College) and to Academy of Living Reiki Therapies- Jay Burrell.
-You are all examples of honorable, resourceful mentors.
*Supporting Artists: -
**Humanitarian Webs will be supporting an initiative to help artists and writers to earn at least a minimum wage via raising awareness of this issue. Labour of Love books endorses the notion of greater value being given to the written word and to artists at all levels.
Poverty should not be an integral aspect to the lifestyle of working writers or artists in the modern world!
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Stephanie Lynne Thorburn Kindle C.V. & author/ artist profile: -
Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: 'Poetics of Spirit'.
(Integral Human Sciences).
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Organic Sanctum.
The enigma of the Turin Shroud expresses the ultimate paradox: pious human cruelty mediated by divine love. The iconography of the Shroud is marred by the inhumane death of Christ at the hands of his cynical disbelievers; its ultimate meaning may only be judged by the eye of each beholder. Yet the humble shroud marks a moment of human betrayal and temporal fracture, the occasion when the heart of the divine spirit was broken. This event might be interpreted as representing a pivotal break between humanity and the unity of the symbolic Trinity.
The resurrection of Christ is a legend witnessed by no one but Gaia. Shroud of Turin represents patronage of the son to the humility of Mother Earth, Gaia. Her sentient Gnosis is unique.
*The perspective expressed in this work is that of Gaia Gnosticism. The author is an existentialist with a Pantheistic spiritual eye...
Science, Solipsism and the Birth of Secular ‘Bad Faith’.
The legend of the burial cloth of Jesus is now engulfed in some two millennia of patriarchal theological discourse. Humanity apparently views the Shroud with an existential mind set. -============
Rational, analytical facets to the Shroud’s scientific veracity determine the empirical evidence. Biblical gospel dictum defines the manifest response of clergy to the sacred cloth of Christ.... In my homage to the Shroud of Turin, I am presenting a triangulation account of the enigma of Christ’s life and legacy as represented by his humble linen burial cloth. This work is not an account of the domain of science, nor an assessment of standard versus Gnostic scripture. My account introduces Earth’s Ajna or ‘third eye’, to assist in the emancipation of spirit. Earth is a prime silent witness, the only witness to the soul resurrection of Christ. She was perhaps Jesus’ most constant unassuming companion- giving and nourishing life. Earth possesses a life-sustaining heart.
Few mortal souls can mediate the supreme paradox represented within the spiritual iconography of Christ’s life, death and resurrection- a resurrection that might be conceptualised as a ‘covenant of bliss’ to believers. Humanity apparently celebrates mindfully the insufferable, barbaric pain of the savior to appease the cruelty of ‘mankind’. Expressing gratitude for Christ's suffering thus is said to offer a pathway towards salvation and compassionate faith in the lives of believers. This is an ethically problematic dialectic affirming the eternal burden applicable to the role of a true 'Messiah'. Healthy concern is however, rarely expressed in relation to these axiomatic moral issues.
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Christ’s lifecycle marks the harmony and fractured separation of the trinity from the heart of our divine Father. There is a sense of secular ‘bad faith’ in human patriarchal accounts regarding the fate of Christ. Secular angst, disenchantment and the animosity of human kind are all existential traits- yet these mercurial emotions are pivotal in the story of Christ’s demise. The Turin Shroud is a profound human tapestry marred by the elements. The Shroud has been anointed with pollens, bathed in water and burned by incidental fire during the passage of time. The divine Father made a wise choice... Christ was patronised into the organic care of Mother Earth- eternal. The Shroud represents a symbolic creative catharsis. Gaia’s eternal Gnosis and maternal sanctum serve to restore love, warmth, humility and divine faith.
The Shroud emanates a form of spiritual ‘lexis’- a language of unity privileging only a communion with innermost truth, ‘vraisemblance’.
Christ was a man walking amidst other men, true; yet he was ultimately a divine soul, waking within the heart & soul of Gaia Earth...
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Healing disenchanted elements within the divine sacred heart.
Connecting with the mind of Gaia offers emancipation from the solipsistic vacuum created by the ego consciousness of mankind. The consciousness of the Shroud is a conduit to divine will- a gift offered to Gaia and to the people irrespective of race, creed or indeed gender. The holy cloth may serve to mediates a kinaesthetic reunion between the Father, son and fraternal spirit latent within human kind. We have simply yet to realise this humble act of grace.
Image- Rod of Aaron, represented as sacred almond tree.
+++ Healing the Trinity: Gaia's Harvest. +++
Gaia's natural harvest has always mediated the spiritual covenant between humanity & divinity....
Ark of the Covenant symbolises the conditional Biblical agreement between God and people of Israel.
The Rod of Aaron is integral to the story of the Ark. The rod represents divine authority and comprises sweet almond.
See: Rod of Aaron.
See also: Ark of the Covenant- Human Emancipation
Above textual excerpt comprises an overview of the author's forthcoming work, 'Shrouded Healing', a revisionist genre biography of the Turin Shroud in context of Christ's life and egalitarian spiritual teachings.
Related Posts- Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Goldsmiths College Alumni: 'Progressive Etudes'.
Overview of writer & artist Stephanie Lynne Thorburn.
Goldlink- Stephanie Lynne's Labour of Love titles.
**Kindle books: Stephanie Lynne Thorburn: 'Poetics of Spirit'.
Endnote: -
(1) 'Gnosticism': A concise definition at the inception of this text is needed. Gnosticism as a philosophy has a complex, controversial etymology...
Gnosticism, in my work relates to emancipation of soul, through spiritual evolution. I believe the clarity of soul is nourished through development of a direct relationship with divine spirit, which assists the evocation of personal 'truth'.
I place onus on imperfection of the human condition, not divine spirit! The lineage of human genealogy is suffused with many 'beasts of burden'. Gaia Gnosticism generates a form of organic reciprocity with divine essence.
See: Gnosticism- Succinct Resume. Gnosis- Introduction.
Themes: Sophia, Wisdom, Existential existence, Pantheism.
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References and Resources: The Turin Shroud.
Turin Shroud- Evidence of the Trinity.
Christ personified as the ‘Mandilion’- the burial cloth of Christ of Edessa.
The Universal Light- non denominational Church for lightworkers & spiritual Healers.
Finally, Sobornost are a remarkable organisation, orientated on unification of East & Western faith traditions. The concept of 'Sobornost' relates to unification of Aristotle/ Hegel's concept of individualism. The fellowship are focused on nourishing values of spiritual community. Sobornost's journal offers a trove of theological resources.
Below: TUL Ministry Cert. Humanitarian Education, Stephanie Lynne Thorburn, Dec 2017.
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