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Its been a while since I've been here... Been pretty busy with work and Christmas and a bunch of other stuff. Just thought I'd drop in and leave a little note letting everyone know I'm still alive (somehow, lol). I was out just now, buying stuff with my gift cards that I got for Christmas and when I got home, I was surprised to see a FedEx truck outside my house. At first I didn't think much about it, but when I spotted the parcel he was leaving at our front door I was all jumpy and such. I had entered this contest on... The Cuckleburr Times to win a copy of Searching for Pemberley by Mary Lydon Simonsen and I won one of the copies, which was sweet cause I've never won anything before in my life.

So I'm pretty happy about that. Also the Olympic Torch ran past my house earlier this morning as well. Wasn't dressed, but I got some pictures from my window of the trucks and the flame as well.
On a more book related note: I'm planning on writing something soon. I haven't worked on any of my projects in a while, but in the time that I've spent away from them I've gathered more and more ideas on a lot of different topics that I can hopefully work into Shadows, if not one of the other ones that I haven't started yet. As soon as I get some work done, I'll post it up for anyone that's still interested in it. Till then, Ciao.

Views: 41

Comment by Viviana Arteaga on December 30, 2009 at 11:54am
Lucky!!! On all accounts!!! >./body>


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