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Yesterday was a pretty good day for me; I spent most of the morning cleaning my room and listening to my Music, filled out a few more Applications and am just waiting on getting a ride to the next town to hand them in, though I don't see why I'm applying outside of town when I probably won't have transportation to get to and from work every day. Probably should have thought of that before. When I was finished filling them out and cleaning up my room, I hooked up my 360 and played a little Rock Band until my Mom got home from work and told me that she had a Hockey Practice today, not that she needs to practice. So I brought my stick with me and took a few shots on their Goalie out of boredom and when they started playing I removed myself from the rink, only to be dragged back on to be the referee. I've never reffed before, so I probably wasn't the best choice, but I think I did a pretty good job. Almost got hit by a few balls though; couldn't jump out of the way fast enough.
But I had a lot of fun pretending I was a referee, running from one end of the rink to the other, calling off sides, icings etc, etc... But the best part of the whole day was when we were on our way home from the Hockey Rink: We stopped in to see my Nana who recently moved into Town with us, but on our way to her place, we saw a Computer on the side of the road with a big "FREE" attached to it, my first thought was that it isn't going to work, but after we were at my Nana's, I had decided I wanted it. If it did work, I could take it apart, play around with it, do things to it that I wouldn't do to my own Computer like Overclocking and whatnot, stuff that could potentially ruin my Computer. Unfortunately in the thirty seconds it took us to turn the corner and park in my Nana's driveway, someone had taken the Computer, but left the Monitor and the Keyboard, so I snagged those on the way home and spent the remainder of the night trying to connect the second Monitor to my Computer so I could dual screen.
After a while I had given up, the new old Monitor didn't seem to want to work in any of the slots I connected it to, but I had one more trick up my sleeve: I re-connected my flatscreen and began talking to a buddy of mine, the Computer Genius Friend, and he tossed a few ideas at me and after about an hour or so, I finally got it working! Only side effect is the other Monitor is a CRT (Big Box) and takes up half my desk compared to my Flatscreen, lol, but it works very well and I'm extremely happy that I did get at least the Monitor off the side of the road and that it still worked.

I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with the story bit that I posted up in my previous entry and am having no luck with that, much as I'm having no luck finding a job. Hoping that when I hand this Wal-Mart Application in that I'll at least get another interview, maybe then I'll believe that its not my fault I can't find a job, as I've convinced myself of after the last hundred failed attempts at getting a job. T_T;;
But aside from that, yesterday was a very good day for me, if only all my days were that exciting.

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