Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Written By: Ralph Hawk
I think most mortals will agree that whenever one begins to do a task, the repetition of which
will now surely become a part of that one’s life for some length of time, that one will “learn”
how to complete that task more easily, and most likely more efficiently with each performance of it.
And that’s certainly been the case for me since I’ve undertaken the de facto leadership role of these
artistic type individuals who now live along the north shore of my (adopted) city’s river.
And, as artists go, they’re a rather unruly lot. They don’t like to have what they believe are
unnecessary restrictions placed upon them. Yet, they’re so real! So real! And I never knew what life
was really about until I met them!
And when I say I didn’t know what life was really about, I refer to the fact that I didn’t
understand the importance of interactions between mortals. But, while at that time I may not have
truly grasped the relevance of human discourse and group conduct, I had long before gained
knowledge of a fact which I fear many mortals, still to this day, do not know of or believe. Planet
Earth has fifty-four different tracks of reality existing upon it! And we live in the one which is
considered the foremost of all of them, Earth One. But I came to this reality from the one designated
Parallel Reflections. And since I’ve lived in this urban area of this reality, I’ve sought to relocate
creative types to this city, and specifically to the very near north shore of its dividing river. And
many have come here. And some have relocated here from other parts of this nation, some from
foreign countries, some from other earthly realities, and yes, some have simply moved here to the
near north side from other parts of this city.
But I can truthfully say that I’ve always sought not to impose my will or ideas on others. And
that’s the approach I’ve adopted here in this city as well. And strangely, that approach seems to have
worked well in regard to artistic output here, but not so well in regard to “attractions” that have
developed between some of our people. To be blunt, since the publication of Pierce Gates’
“Captured” pieces, many people have contacted me as to whether they also could find a perfect mate
and then “slip away” into a parallel reality in which they’d never physically age or experience all the
problems they must now contend with in Earth One. And my answer to those people is: I can’t grant
you what Pierce and Dana were given. Only the superiors of her reality of the earth can do so. And
only they decided it would be proper for Mr. Gates and Ms. Gerous to become man and wife and
move from this reality of the Earth to a different one where obviously life is much easier to live and,
simply better.
And a number of people have asked about Charles and Valerie. They’re the couple who met in
Paris and fell in love there after I’d sent Charles to that city of light to search for two members of our
enclave (Amber and Renni) whom we believed may have been taken there against their will. Well, let
me tell you only this concerning Mr. Platt and Ms. Danns; not since I’ve relocated to this city has one
“dilemma” troubled me more than the relationship of Charles Platt, or Corzer as we call him, and his
Parisian love Valerie Danns. But rest assured, I’ve done all I can to help them. And I’ve persuaded
them to relate what we hope will be a joyful ending (at least that’s where it’s at today – I think) to their
“story” in an upcoming book which will be entitled “The Students Of The Highway,” and which
should receive publication next year.
And yes, over the span of time I’ve been here, a number of strange and bizarre incidents have
occurred both within, and in the nearby areas of this city, And those who’ve read the book “The Same
Tapes” know of a number of them.
Yet, whenever anyone from either inside or outside the so-called media has tried to learn
what really occurs in this city on a daily basis, he or she has only gained such information through
actually coming here and remaining here for some length of time! But to my knowledge, there are no
“media manipulators” living in this city - at least not among those of us who comprise what we refer
to as this city’s “artistic enclave.” And, don’t expect anyone here to pompously “plug” his or her
latest literary creation from his or her so-called “middle class” abode out in the suburbs. Also, don’t
wait for anyone from here to infer that he or she is today’s answer to Fitzgerald, Joyce, or even
But, if there is one thing we who live here hold as certain now, it’s that politics can’t be
shunned by anyone, and especially those who try to shun it. Someone once said that all of life is
politics, and if that person wasn’t correct in that assertion, well, then he was only barely wrong. But
how has that fact impacted us who live here on this city’s near north side? I’m thinking the answer to
that question is: The same way it’s impacted everyone else across all nations of this reality of the
And what about those literary types who continually try to “chip away” at all that could, and
probably should be said? Well, in my opinion, here’s what’s to be said about them: “If the people
have something they feel is necessary to say, then ‘gal darnit’ let them say it!” But does the public
really need to read about all those old actors, actresses, and rock stars? And to those who think they
can remain faceless behind radio microphones, and perhaps “launch” a few best sellers from there,
don’t fool yourselves, America knows who you are. It’s divided in its opinion of you.
And, likewise, in this day and age we apparently have some politically powerful (and in their
minds correct) people who think they can assure and insure the futures of those whom they evidently
consider below themselves socially. But now that their failures have been exposed, isn’t one left to
wonder what their real motivation for telling falsehoods to the so-called “common man” was, or still
is? Learn this – it will never fail – don’t abuse or mock either liberalism or conservatism! Use both of
them well. And respect both of them. And in a world where, as we noted earlier, all of life actually
revolves around political activity and choices, they are your only guards against dictatorship of either
the far left or far right wings of the political spectrum.
And in closing, let me say that all I’ve said in this piece is true. And in it I’ve enunciated some
of the tenets which those of us who live along this city’s near north side cling to temporally, as we
prepare for a second life which we know will assuredly continue eternally. And whenever the “gods”
of any sort of “correctness” tell us we must change our ways, we say: “No, we really don’t need to
alter our ways of thinking and living, because we have no societal darlings here.”
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