Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

I decided to create a website to help market my stories for when they are in print. It was FREE to create the site with a company called Webnode. They have lots of templates and styles and you can adapt and tweak the site to your own preference.

My site is still in the early stages but up and running all the same. The only cost I incurred was the price of the domain name for 12 months it was £11.99 (approx $18). Yes there are companies out there that provide the domains a little cheaper, but I decided to keep all the elements in one place to avoid complications.

Please feel free to visit my site -


Views: 40

Comment by Katie McKnight on April 11, 2013 at 8:30pm

Thank you for the information.  I just signed with a publisher and am looking to create a web page.  I will look at the company and check out your site.  Good luck!


Comment by SR Clowes on April 11, 2013 at 8:37pm
Thanks Katie good luck with your book.


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