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If I say I love you, it is for a day.
It was for a moment when i said "hey! this is true love".
On that festive February, I gave you jewelry;
But it is now a memory.

Now the day of love is over, please my love let us take cover.
I didn’t only love you thence; but I am ‘loving’ you hence.
To ‘love’ is for an instance; but ‘loving’ is for a distance.
It is eternity, it is infinity.
It is a decision for a mission if I say I am ‘loving’ you.
Until my soul vanishes, my love accomplishes the mission.

The day of love is gone
No more partying, no more friends; it may now be frowns.
The world has forgotten
because the chocolate has been eaten.
The media is now dumb about love;
It is our turn now to beat the drum of our love.
Let us keep celebrating it in our closet, when it is even over with the concert.
The city is now silent; let us go to the slum to have fun
Before our love is killed by the gun.
The day of love is over; let our love continue till we are older.

Views: 48

Comment by Justin Bailey on June 7, 2011 at 3:55am
Comment by Zakaria S. Albert on June 7, 2011 at 8:40am
thank u!
Comment by Justin Bailey on June 7, 2011 at 8:51am
Do you write often?
Comment by Zakaria S. Albert on June 7, 2011 at 12:35pm
yea, i do! but most of them re unpublished.


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