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I was trying to think of the best way to begin introducing myself. I tossed and turned about putting up my latest work, a prologue of my novel or just blabbing a bit of myself to you. I decided to just blab for now. :D
I began loving the art of writing when I was eleven. There was a young author's contest help for the province of Alberta, long story short, I won. Myself and a few others were lucky enough to spend the day with Robert Munsch and a few other established authors. They did a day long workshop with us and I was hooked ever since.
There were many years where I didn't write anything but grocery lists, but after my second child, inspiration suddenly hit.
I've always had strange and paranormal things happen to me, but for some reason, several events happened within a short amount of time. My boyfriend and I bought a house, got married in the back yard and began living our life together. The very first day living there, I sensed something was wrong. Something, usually in the basement, was watching us. My daughter, only four at the time, even commented that she hated the basement and she began having terrible night terrors as soon as we moved in. She had never had them before we lived at that house.
Both my husband and I kept quiet about our own strange experiences for over a month until I decided to ask him if he felt the 'watching' feeling as well. He had been.
So, for four long years, we tolerated the odd sensations of being watched and glared at from the basement and stairwell. During the process of living there, I used writing to vent my frustrations. It quickly became a habit. I wrote articles on the paranormal, which eventually led to getting published in a Ghost Hunters magazine. While I enjoyed writing paranormal articles and ghost stories, it just didn't seem right. I liked it, I didn't love it.
One day, for no reason in particular, I decided to write a paranormal novel. I loved it immediately! The characters took off on their own, like they'd been waiting for me to begin! It was like a beautiful movie playing in my head and I couldn't type fast enough to keep up. I was fascinated by all the twists and turns that would happen in the book, like the characters were in control of the story!
Halfway through writing my novel, we bought a new house and moved. Thank goodness! I love our new house and we all feel very comfortable here.
Anyways, long story short, I'm down to the last few chapters of that novel and I'll be editing like crazy soon.
I'm very happy to have found a comfortable and friendly writing atmosphere, I look forward to chatting with all of you. ;D

Views: 41

Comment by Kay Elizabeth on December 23, 2009 at 7:46am
So great to read that, Danielle! It sounds like you have found your niche for sure when it flows so easily for you. Good luck with the final few chapters and the editing. Please, don't be a stranger! :)
Comment by Danielle on January 22, 2010 at 9:21pm
Thank you Kay! :D


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