Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Since this is my first blog post here on this site, I thought I would entertain some curiosity one might encounter when happening across my page. Who am I? Well, I am a simple country girl, born and raised in Central Louisiana. I have always been a writer of sorts. It's just so much easier for me to articulate through my fingers than through my mouth. I started with journals and diaries at a young age, and went on to write poetry. I was super excited about a poem of mine being published in a book series at the age of 14 or 15, only to find out later that it was actually a scam to get people to buy a set of books for way too much money. I really have no hard evidence that it ever got published, much to my dismay.
I moved from there into writing song lyrics and had a dream of becoming a singer. I was somehow discouraged from that dream and left it behind as I pursued my metaphysical and occult interests instead. My interest in the witchcraft started early as well, around the age of 11 or 12. I have been studying for 20 years now, and have been practicing for 17 years. Aside from this, I am a former Belly Dance instructor and performer, and love a number of other interesting things as well. I am a fan of most any music, accepting country and rap. I am a heavy metal fan, and love Irish folk music and Turkish/Arabic music too. I enjoy reading tarot for friends and family, and love painting portraits.
What else can I say about myself? I am a witch, I enjoy meeting other witches, and writing about subjects pertaining to witchcraft, paganism, and the occult/supernatural world. Some of my other favorite pass times include watching gory horror films, tending to and playing with my 16 month old son, writing posts for my Pages on Facebook, and editing images. I am an Ordained Pagan Minister, and offer Spiritual Counseling and Mentoring, Handfastings, and other important Rites of Passage in my area.
Even more personal? I am a Paranoid Schizophrenic awaiting an official diagnosis. I have battle depression most of my life due to a chemical imbalance, and look forward to the new treatment I will be receiving from my new doctor and case worker. Yes, I see and hear things, but have been told my 2 professionals that not all of what I see and hear is related to Schizophrenia. I am an Empath and find it hard to be around a lot of people at once. The amount of things that I could put into this post would take me 2 weeks or more, so I think I'll leave this paragraph be.
We have recently relocated to this area (Springfield, MO), and I am working on assimilating and meeting new friends. I am actively pursuing my writing dreams, and will soon be finishing my first manuscript which will be published through KDP on Amazon. The title of my book is "A Guide for the Thrifty Witch", and it basically explains itself. The main concept of this book is that we are being programmed in this consumer age that we HAVE to spend lots of money in order to have what we need to practice witchcraft. This is simply not true, and it is my hope to empower witches to reconnect with the ancient forces that are being drowned out by shiny new talismans and the latest fashion in altar cloths. It will be part informative/part DIY, and I am ecstatic to get it finished!
So this is me. I'm just you everyday witch, following her heart. Blessings!
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