Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Now, by the sounds of this blog title, you're probably thinking, "Of course you can write for a living! Just look at Stephen King or J.K. Rowling!"

This statement is definitely valid. But I think as budding writers and avid readers we often forget how much work goes into the concept of "writing for a living". It isn't just, "BAM! I wrote a book, now everybody read it!" No, there is so much more to it than that.

I've heard it said before that "writing for a living" can be compared to that of a normal home business such as Mary Kay or Pampered Chef. But the difference with those two is that people know they have a need for those products. With selling books, an author has to show the potential buyer that they have a need. Its another added step which makes it ten times harder.

We only ever see the outcome of an author's success. But I bet if you asked some of the greats, they'll tell you that they put in a lot of time and money into their craft. Determination and perseverance leading them to their ultimate goal.

Views: 33

Comment by Raymond Cook on November 26, 2017 at 2:30am


I read an article sent to me by a writer's group about a self-published author who put his book on Amazon and had 50,000 downloads in 7 weeks.

I know that will never happen to me but it showed me, if all of your ducks are lined up like a slot machine....


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About the book

Great content and grammar.


So never give up writing my friends.

That you can have a very successful book.


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