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I'm finishing up a few loose ends at the moment with some short stories that I'd like to compile into something roughly novel sized and then will begin work on my new fantasy series.  I always find this part of the writing process to be the most difficult and the most exciting.  The characters are growing in my mind, developing their own individual back stories and personalities.  The story line is building from the initial foundational concept. This time around there's no need to worry about world building, I already have my playground from the first series but I want to explore more of Kaynos than I was able to in the first series.  I've roughly outlined the plot and some of the twists and turns, although that changes so dramatically as I write - usually due to the way my characters react to the challenges I present them with.  Like all series it will take time to get from where I am now, just starting to develop the idea to pressing The End on the final in the series but for now I'm enjoying meeting my new friends and thinking about how I will challenge and push them out of their comfort zone.

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