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Tears stain my peace whenever I have to endure the absence of your hugs...the shorter the distance between us my unhappy heart feel that feeling of love...your vocals of your wants and desires lift my being to an ultimate high...letting me know that you can hold my heart in your hands and I'll never have to cry....You instill happy thoughts of you and I...leaving me panting and waiting..yet pleasing my body and mind...Oh the thoughts go far and beyond the mental...waiting for the day...our kisses and hugs evolve to the physical...I self medicate myself with doses of your knowledge and wisdom...Injecting your love and romance into my veins...leaving me intoxicated and still craving....drunken with the desire to touch you here an there...feeling the loneliness afterward because you are there and I am here....Your free mind has captured my heart and bound my hands to is my pleasure and a full desire to stay in captivity surrounded by all this joy...I've waited patiently just for your kind...and with all that you have to give...with you I don't mind...I just want us to with you..and you with me...this love is a rare find...Your love

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