Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

If you are an author publishing a new book then you'll be thinking about the most effective marketing. Video content is essential to raise your profile and c...

Views: 69

Comment by Rusty Blackwood on February 25, 2011 at 5:40pm

I find this very interesting. As I have stated previously, I feel the most difficult part of both writing and publishing one's work is getting it 'out there', promotion -- proper, trusty-worthy promtion. I would be most interested in learning more about your service. I have published 3 titles so far, am currently promoting my debut novel which is the first part of a two part story, the second is expected for relaese sometime next month. You can contat me here, or one my web-site at, or e-mail me at and include your intention in the subject bar.

With Kind Regards, Rusty Blackwood.

Comment by Francesca Cassini on February 26, 2011 at 12:42pm
Hi Rusty

Thanks so much for watching my video on and getting in touch with me. I wonder how I can help you? I can see you’re beginning to use facebook and twitter and of course you have some videos up on youtube.

I don’t consider myself a ‘marketing’ person although I do love creating videos which are marketable. As I am in the UK and you are in Canada I think the simplest and most inexpensive option is for us to do a video interview over skype and then I can create that in to a series of short Q&A videos which get released over a period of time. This gives you something to post and tweet about and should encourage subscribers to your youtube channel – not sure you have your own channel but I can set that up easily enough for you. I think what I’d be looking at is finding questions which can be posted as ‘video responses’ on other popular youtube channels – although you would be responsible for that aspect. The only thing about the skype interviews is the quality is not that great but as you can see me as the interviewer as well as you it has the look of something more formal than you talking straight to camera – although the style isn’t at all formal. Check the video I uploaded on this site with Tom Evans as that’s an example.

With all this social networking I think readers love to get to know the author behind the book and I noticed on your website that you say very little about your own life. Questions I might want to ask would be things like how much of you is in your heroine?

Let me know if this sounds like an idea you’d like to explore. If so, we can schedule a skype call – my ID is frangeldumpling

My charge for this is £350 which according to the currency converter here today is approx C$560.00


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