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What do you do when you’re writing the greatest story ever written and another great story idea creeps into your consciousness?

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Yes!!! I get so angry but frustrated because I have a good flow for the first one and the other one is better but I want to try to finish the first one!!!!! Rwar!! lol
Well, you do what any great author would do. YOU MULTITASK! I've been in the same situation and it's easy. It's also better, because when you hit writer's block for one story, then you can switch to the other one and continue writing, and maybe get an idea gor the other.
I save the great story idea somewhere for my next book. Right now, I'm writing an amazing book, but I have 10 other plot ideas written down for another time. Hopefully I'll be able to use all of them! :D
Well, firstly I'd say you are incredibly lucky to not only be writing the greatest story ever, but to also have another great idea! I struggle with coming up with one in the first place! lol... but I know what you mean and it does seem that once you open the playpen and let out your brain it runs riot! At least mine does... for this reason I have a million notebooks filled with random thoughts and pieces of dialogue that don't seem to fit into what I'm writing.

What I do is if I get any ideas that don't seem like they fit into the story I'm currently writing, like I said above I have a note book that I write them in, then usually as I get further into my story, or even after I've finished that one and moved on to the next I have a look through my notebook and often find that I can fit it somewhere.

That's a very good thing to do, I just write multiple stories. And sometimes if I even think of a witty line that doesn't even go with what I'm writing, I use it to make up a whole new story, it's hard, but fun.

Cheryl said:
Well, firstly I'd say you are incredibly lucky to not only be writing the greatest story ever, but to also have another great idea! I struggle with coming up with one in the first place! lol... but I know what you mean and it does seem that once you open the playpen and let out your brain it runs riot! At least mine does... for this reason I have a million notebooks filled with random thoughts and pieces of dialogue that don't seem to fit into what I'm writing.

What I do is if I get any ideas that don't seem like they fit into the story I'm currently writing, like I said above I have a that I write them in, then usually as I get further into my story, or even after I've finished that one and moved on to the next I have a look through my notebook and often find that I can fit it somewhere.

You write it down someplace before you forget it as you get too absorbed in the first story. Just stop a moment and make sure what you wrote conveys the main thrust of the idea. There's nothing worse than writing it down then coming back to it later and not being able to remember what your notes meant.
All of my writing takes place in a single fictional universe with established history and canon. I brush them off to be side stories and I see how they go from there. It's the same approach used by one of my main inspirations, Nasu Kinoko.

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