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Publishing and Editing, (mostly publishing), Questions!!!! <--- !!!

I am only Thirteen years old. And I have looked on other websites and publishing company sites. Yet, I have so may questions, okay a few, really... When wanting to get your book published, how much will it cost, as an estimate? Do I have to have a Editor? Do I really need one? Do I need an agent? Will I always need an Addenbum, or something like that, because I'm under 18? It will be greatly, greatly, appreciated if I had all the answers to these questions. My goal is to become a published author by the time I'm 15. Pretty big dream, right?

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to tell u the truth your dream is preety much impossible. your much too young.
dont put ur hopes up. kay?
my dream is to be the youngest bestselling author.
young to the world is 18. compared to all other autors..
anyhow. yes u need a agent to get ur writing out there.
and luckily youll get it published. but you must put faith upon your agent.
Whoa, slow down. Nothing wrong with big dreams but you can't do everything at once. First things first. If you want to be self-published or go for any kind of POD option, you pay for it. If a big publishing company likes your book and takes you on board, like Simon & Schuster, you don't. So between those options you can pay anything from zero to several hundreds and thousands.

Before you think about submitting it anywhere, you'll have more work to do.

Why would you think you don't need an editor? Are you sure your manuscript is so perfect and needs no attention? Is it marketable? Is it formatted properly? Could you write a query letter and find an agent? Do you know what genre your book falls into (there's several sub-genres)? There are a million things an editor can help you with or share a resource on that you probably haven't thought about. Most of all, you need a professional editor's opinion on your book. And they don't work for free.

You can also get opinions here from your fellow writers if you share a small sample.

On the age question, I have no idea how that would work. I would expect you would need parental permission in at least some respects since you're a minor.
Anything's possible. Ever heard of Jyoti Guptara, author of Conspiracy of Calaspia? He was a bestselling author at 17, had been published in The Wall Street Journal two years earlier and drafted that book at the age of eleven with his twin Suresh. Teens get published. :)

Sorry Betty, you're already too old to be the youngest bestselling author in the world. Stanley Tang did it at 14 with eMillions. Now if Brooklynn gets her skates on.... :)

I suspect you'd be happy just to be a young bestselling author, Betty. :)

Betty Damil said:
to tell u the truth your dream is preety much impossible. your much too young.
dont put ur hopes up. kay? my dream is to be the youngest bestselling author. young to the world is 18. compared to all other autors.. anyhow. yes u need a agent to get ur writing out there. and luckily youll get it published. but you must put faith upon your agent.
hahahaha! wow really? whos that guy?? beat me to my oh good with being a bestselling authors as u stated. ;)

scribbler said:
Anything's possible. Ever heard of Jyoti Guptara, author of Conspiracy of Calaspia? He was a bestselling author at 17, had been published in The Wall Street Journal two years earlier and drafted that book at the age of eleven with his twin Suresh. Teens get published. :)

Sorry Betty, you're already too old to be the youngest bestselling author in the world. Stanley Tang did it at 14 with eMillions. Now if Brooklynn gets her skates on.... :)

I suspect you'd be happy just to be a young bestselling author, Betty. :)

Betty Damil said:
to tell u the truth your dream is preety much impossible. your much too young.
dont put ur hopes up. kay? my dream is to be the youngest bestselling author. young to the world is 18. compared to all other autors.. anyhow. yes u need a agent to get ur writing out there. and luckily youll get it published. but you must put faith upon your agent.
Betty, you'll like this interview about him. :)

When Stanley Tang was an 11-year-old growing up in Hong Kong, his school banned snack foods. Instead of taking his empty stomach in stride, Stanley bought snacks at the local convenient store and sold them to his classmates for three times the price. A few years later, he was introduced to Google Adsense and the ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ series of books by Robert Kiyosaki. They inspired him to get online with his business and to develop a book called ‘eMillions: Behind-The-Scenes Stories of 14 Successful Internet Millionaires’. When ‘eMillions’ was published in December of 2008, it rocketed straight to the top of the Amazon Best-Seller lists. At just 14 years old, Stanley was the world’s youngest best-selling author.

Betty Damil said:
hahahaha! wow really? whos that guy?? beat me to my oh good with being a bestselling authors as u stated. ;)

scribbler said:
Anything's possible. Ever heard of Jyoti Guptara, author of Conspiracy of Calaspia? He was a bestselling author at 17, had been published in The Wall Street Journal two years earlier and drafted that book at the age of eleven with his twin Suresh. Teens get published. :)

Sorry Betty, you're already too old to be the youngest bestselling author in the world. Stanley Tang did it at 14 with eMillions. Now if Brooklynn gets her skates on.... :)

I suspect you'd be happy just to be a young bestselling author, Betty. :)

Betty Damil said:
to tell u the truth your dream is preety much impossible. your much too young.
dont put ur hopes up. kay? my dream is to be the youngest bestselling author. young to the world is 18. compared to all other autors.. anyhow. yes u need a agent to get ur writing out there. and luckily youll get it published. but you must put faith upon your agent.
Hey! I'm 13, too, and I know a series of books published by a girl when she was ELEVEN! I mean, no offense, but it's highly possible!

Betty Damil said:
to tell u the truth your dream is preety much impossible. your much too young.
dont put ur hopes up. kay?
my dream is to be the youngest bestselling author.
young to the world is 18. compared to all other autors..
anyhow. yes u need a agent to get ur writing out there.
and luckily youll get it published. but you must put faith upon your agent.

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