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           I've recently entered a poetry contest via facebook and the outcome was far different then i expected. Having nohting amusing to do I logged onto my Facebook page and glanced at the advertisements on the right side of the screen. Seeing the label World Poetry Movement I became eager and clicked the link onto the website. I, very foolishly, did not read the details on this contest and filled out the information needed then typed in a poem I had quickly written in previous spare time. After filling all things out and subminting my entry I put the entire experience out of my head.

          About a week or so later my father came into my room holding a letter addessed to me. Being the childish teen I am I find an unneeded amount of joy in receiving letters. What can I say, I'm a sucker for hand written sentiments. However, as I read the return address the whole poetry incident flooded back into my mind. I opened the letter casually thinking it would be nothing more then a, Thanks for trying, better luck next time! Never give up!  or some other inspirational smuck saying softly that I had failed to meet the organizations expectations. When I saw the words, "Great Poem, Lets Publish It!" I became extatic! As I read on I saw that it was a competition in which a Selection Committee judges the poems contestants submit and choose the better of the submitions to move onto the International Open Poetry Contest. After that the contestants receive their letters informing them along with a copy of the poem and they are able to proof read and fix their poems. The winning poems get published in a book, Stars In Our Hearts, and the grand winner receives $1,000.00.

          I have decided to participate so the best of luck I wish for! And to any who are looking for a start into the poetry world I highly recommened trying you luck at this.

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Replies to This Discussion

Good going. Just be careful. If they start asking for money, watch out. But it sounds fun. My first published poem was a scam but at the time I did not know it. I continued writing and soon had 28 poems published across the country. One poem got published 16 times but I still count it as one of the 28. So good work and keep it up...

Thank you both so much. They are asking for money however. It is only if I choose to purchase the book in which it is included. I feel it safe to use though for my mother had done it for the same company and now has her poem in a book. I'd want nothing more then the satisfaction of having my work in that of a "coffee table worthy" book.

Savvy Bange, As I said before, I paid for my first poem to be published just the way are you doing. I believe the publisher was Spirrowglass. It was a scam! However if they accepted your work, then it's good enough to get published elsewhere. Don't worry about getting an agent. Most agents don't work with poets. Start sending your work out to other publishers who don't ask for money. Most pay in copies. It is quite fun to have your work published where people are going to read it. I know you are young, don't use your age, get published by the quality of your work. I know you will. I use to be in construction and I was working on a house one time and I noticed a poem on their refrigerator. It was one of mine. I was so happy to see that somebody loved the piece enough to keep it. If you want buy a Poet's Matket and start sending out your work...Good luck...


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