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I've had days when I sit down to write and it all goes fantastically well. The words flow with ease and I'm on a roll. Time flies by. Other times I can sit down and nothing happens! I just look at the screen with nothing but a cursor flashing at me.

What do you do when you have days like that? Please tell me I'm not alone in this LOL. :)

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I'm getting that right now, actually. At first I didn't do anything about it, I just went and did something else and completely forgot that I had been trying to work on anything, that was until my friend suggested that I go read anything I've written before, previously finished projects or essays, or magazines, or even the back cover of a book that I have in my room and it actually worked pretty well for me. I went back and read one of my older projects that I completed, got about half way through the prologue and immediately jumped back to the project I was working on with tons of ideas that I had no idea where they had come from.
That's a good tip! Thank you, Andrew.

I find when I get stuck I need to do something completely different and be away from my desk. Going outside helps. Breathing in fresh air while making a conscious effort to relax and let it all go will clear your mind faster than anything. Just ten minutes of doing nothing but that refreshes me immensely and if I need longer, I sit tight until I feel better.
I've had it for 4 years now. I used to write fan fictions or original stories and far better poems. But one day nothing came to. So I was like ok it doesn't matter tomorrow or in a couple days I'll be back at it. Those days passed and so did months and years. I haven't been able to start a story or come up with a plot in a long time. I've read lots of books and still no inspiration. But I was thinking a couple days ago at that time I was 14 when I got my writers block at that time a lot of emotions run through you and at 14 I stopped caring about the little things. All I wanted was to finish High school and write but since I stopped worrying about finding love or building relationships or caring about what people said about me my writing suffered. That's what I think started my writers block lol. But then again I could be over analyzing things. lol
Viviana, that was interesting! I used to write a lot too when I was that age. Then between school, work, marriage, family and so on... I blinked and I'd lost twenty years because writing wasn't high on my priority list. We get very busy and I think it's hard to be creative when you have other areas of your life pressing you for attention. When I want to write, I need to make the time to relax a bit first or I can't do it.

Viviana Arteaga said:
I've had it for 4 years now. I used to write fan fictions or original stories and far better poems. But one day nothing came to. So I was like ok it doesn't matter tomorrow or in a couple days I'll be back at it. Those days passed and so did months and years. I haven't been able to start a story or come up with a plot in a long time. I've read lots of books and still no inspiration. But I was thinking a couple days ago at that time I was 14 when I got my writers block at that time a lot of emotions run through you and at 14 I stopped caring about the little things. All I wanted was to finish High school and write but since I stopped worrying about finding love or building relationships or caring about what people said about me my writing suffered. That's what I think started my writers block lol. But then again I could be over analyzing things. lol
Thanks for the extra tips! Starting can be the hardest thing. Turn off all distractions and go for a stream of consciousness piece. Write about whatever pops into your head about anything for five minutes and see what comes up. It can be more productive than you might think.
Believe it or not, music does the trick; I imagine that it is because it focuses your mind on something other than the project at hand.

There are many days that I listen to music while I write, and it often speeds up my thought process.
I often do that as well, it works sometimes with me, but most of the time I end up typing or writing the lyrics to the song without even noticing it, lol.

Sandra Kitchen said:
Believe it or not, music does the trick; I imagine that it is because it focuses your mind on something other than the project at hand.

There are many days that I listen to music while I write, and it often speeds up my thought process.
You know what, I have a friend that does that too Sandra. I'm the complete opposite. I need silence. I can't write with the TV on or music playing. I've been that way as far back as high school. I could never concentrate on my homework or study with any noise going on. I write mostly very late at night or very early when everyone's sleeping and I can get the peace to focus.

Sandra Kitchen said:
Believe it or not, music does the trick; I imagine that it is because it focuses your mind on something other than the project at hand.

There are many days that I listen to music while I write, and it often speeds up my thought process.
I write with music. My head is empty of outside noise and I can concentrate on the paper and whats on my mind.
I read the same way. It blocks out my little brothers screaming and annoyiness lol
Kay, the right music blocks all other noises out if you have a headset on, and at the same time it gives me the freedom, I need to concentrate on what I am writing. It is outside noises that distract me, like the TV or the dog, this way I do not hear those things.

Kay Elizabeth said:
You know what, I have a friend that does that too Sandra. I'm the complete opposite. I need silence. I can't write with the TV on or music playing.
I'm the way Kay is. You've given me something to test out now Sandra. Thanks for the suggestion.

Today is a perfect example. My neighbor had a chainsaw going all day trimming trees, and I mean all day. From 9am until dark I listened to that and it drove me nuts. I couldn't get a thing done. Perhaps that would work for me.

Do you or Viviana have any music suggestions? Viviana, I can't read with music going either!

Sandra Kitchen said:
Kay, the right music blocks all other noises out if you have a headset on, and at the same time it gives me the freedom, I need to concentrate on what I am writing. It is outside noises that distract me, like the TV or the dog, this way I do not hear those things.

Kay Elizabeth said:
You know what, I have a friend that does that too Sandra. I'm the complete opposite. I need silence. I can't write with the TV on or music playing.
I actually am right now. I'm in the middle of writing a novel and I can't think of anything for the middle to make it interesting. I hate when that happens. I just can't stand it. It's the most annoying thing in the world for someone who hopes to be a famous author one day. It makes me think about authors like J. K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer and I wonder if they ever suffered from writers block while writing Harry Potter and Twilight...

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