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I had this really strange dream with a friend and her boyfriend I've only met once.

It might be a little disturbing, just a warning!

OK I just remember bits in pieces of it but the beginning was where my friend was having a party in a hotel room that was right next to a club. Go Figure! But I didnt want to go cos I felt something bad was gonna happen. It did, the other patrons complained about the noise and got my friend's kicked out! Leaving with loud cuss words and flying birds towards the management.

Then it changed to where we were in the middle of the woods at night, it was my friend's wedding to her boyfriend. The atmosphere was not happy, there was an underlining tension. A killer feeling in the air. My friend Adriana and her boyfriend Dan were walking down the aisle with their two kids (In real life they have no kids) Dan had blond hair and blues (Dan in real life has brown hair brown eyes). Everyone is sitting on the ground indian style staring up. Her parents are looking at them through glared eyes. When they get to the altar which is a bundle of twigs painted white in the shape of a cross. They face the people, Dan behind Adriana, he looks at me at the end, we smile. He pulls out a long chain, crossing it diagonally across Adriana's body pulling it cutting her in half! I start laughing from the end of the aisle. People start screaming and running. Dan and the kids walk up to me, we smile at each other wickedly. We start massacring everybody, Dan the kids and I just whipping and splitting people apart with chains.

And when all is done Adriana jumps out of the bushes smiling. "Ok guys, lets go!"
And we just walk off like nothing laughing and smiling.

Yea very very strange.

So any strange dreams for you all?

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Weird indeed. Wedding dreams are usually about change/transition/new beginnings. In dreams many people within it can be representative of sides of ourselves. You're represented not just by yourself but by your friend, by the boyfriend, the kids and the parents. You need to remember that part if you're going to follow the rest of this. :)

Chains are normally related to feeling you've got no escape from the burdens you're carrying. Breaking free of chains is seen as the lifting of burdens. So the chains can be either restricting your movements or releasing them, depending on what's going on.

Now, I'd say that dream's about breaking free of people/situations in your life, a fresh start. You're the one that's taken control of the chains and you're cutting the people down to size (and their influence on your life). Blood is energy, the life force that runs through us. It's not uncommon to have violent dreams when life isn't going smoothly. The spilling of blood can be representative of the spilling of emotions that need released.

The parents are an expression of your own feelings of uncertainty and almost disapproval of what's going to happen. There's a side of you that wants things to change, knows it is about to change but is also not 100% happy about doing what it will take for change to happen. So you (Dan) take a deep breath, smile and just do it. (When men are representative of us and it's a woman dreaming, they tend to illustrate the more masculine traits like aggression, competitiveness and a "feel the fear and do it anyway" attitude.)

It's really important to pay attention to what's said in dreams. When she says "ok guys, lets go!", all three of you go off together, whole again.

I think this is a good dream believe it or not. You're making a decision for change, acting upon it even though you're not 100% sure and it all turns out for the good. Remember, not once are you disturbed by what's going on in the dream. You're happy and smiling because you're shedding those things and people you no longer need. Other people may not like it, whatever it is you're doing or plan to do (hence all the running and screaming) but you're going to do it anyway because you're generally happy with the decision, apart from a small niggle of doubt. All big decisions come with that so that's to be expected.

Notice too that the kids are swinging the chains as well. They represent a younger and more innocent time for you, when you were carefree and joyous. The twigs in the cross...I don't know, my gut tells me this is tied into the childlike side here. Getting back to your roots and true nature, and no longer putting up a facade. The cross suggests divine intervention or angelic guidance to help you get there, white being a color of purity. If you do this, you'll have someone up there looking out for you I'm guessing, put it that way. :)

It's like when someone's been showing one face to the world and they have an epiphany of sorts that it isn't who they truly are, so they decide to start afresh. They cut all the ties with what and who they know now doesn't fit with the new life they want, and begin a new journey in life, unburdened and unshackled by the familiar.

That's my musings on it. Could be right, could be wrong, could be somewhere in the middle. :) Every person interprets their own dreams best so take what makes sense if anything and trash the rest. I rely on my gut a lot when I do this but it could be indigestion, ha! ;)
Wow Kay! That's a lot to chew but the majority is very close to home. Not just on me but also on my friends who are in the dream. She's been having a lot of problems deciding how to tell her parents a few things about how she wants to change a some aspects in her life. She wants to start new things and get rid of some old, her mother is very very religiously strict. (and quiet rude too. I met her once she looked me over and just ignored me totally not even tried to listen to her daughter who tried to introduce me.) She really loves her parents but somethings she just doesn't agree on with them. Same with me I have a few bits of things I don't agree with my family and try to cut my self from. You are a lot of help! I've been trying to look for a good dream interpreter. I had one but gave it to my elder sister, she really liked it so I gave it to her....Now we have no bookstore so I can't buy another one. =I

Kay Elizabeth said:
Weird indeed. Wedding dreams are usually about change/transition/new beginnings. In dreams many people within it can be representative of sides of ourselves. You're represented not just by yourself but by your friend, by the boyfriend, the kids and the parents. You need to remember that part if you're going to follow the rest of this. :)

Chains are normally related to feeling you've got no escape from the burdens you're carrying. Breaking free of chains is seen as the lifting of burdens. So the chains can be either restricting your movements or releasing them, depending on what's going on.

Now, I'd say that dream's about breaking free of people/situations in your life, a fresh start. You're the one that's taken control of the chains and you're cutting the people down to size (and their influence on your life). Blood is energy, the life force that runs through us. It's not uncommon to have violent dreams when life isn't going smoothly. The spilling of blood can be representative of the spilling of emotions that need released.

The parents are an expression of your own feelings of uncertainty and almost disapproval of what's going to happen. There's a side of you that wants things to change, knows it is about to change but is also not 100% happy about doing what it will take for change to happen. So you (Dan) take a deep breath, smile and just do it. (When men are representative of us and it's a woman dreaming, they tend to illustrate the more masculine traits like aggression, competitiveness and a "feel the fear and do it anyway" attitude.)

It's really important to pay attention to what's said in dreams. When she says "ok guys, lets go!", all three of you go off together, whole again.

I think this is a good dream believe it or not. You're making a decision for change, acting upon it even though you're not 100% sure and it all turns out for the good. Remember, not once are you disturbed by what's going on in the dream. You're happy and smiling because you're shedding those things and people you no longer need. Other people may not like it, whatever it is you're doing or plan to do (hence all the running and screaming) but you're going to do it anyway because you're generally happy with the decision, apart from a small niggle of doubt. All big decisions come with that so that's to be expected.

Notice too that the kids are swinging the chains as well. They represent a younger and more innocent time for you, when you were carefree and joyous. The twigs in the cross...I don't know, my gut tells me this is tied into the childlike side here. Getting back to your roots and true nature, and no longer putting up a facade. The cross suggests divine intervention or angelic guidance to help you get there, white being a color of purity. If you do this, you'll have someone up there looking out for you I'm guessing, put it that way. :)

It's like when someone's been showing one face to the world and they have an epiphany of sorts that it isn't who they truly are, so they decide to start afresh. They cut all the ties with what and who they know now doesn't fit with the new life they want, and begin a new journey in life, unburdened and unshackled by the familiar.

That's my musings on it. Could be right, could be wrong, could be somewhere in the middle. :) Every person interprets their own dreams best so take what makes sense if anything and trash the rest. I rely on my gut a lot when I do this but it could be indigestion, ha! ;)
Good job there Kay! I wouldn't be concerned about not having a book, Viviana. I was interested in this too years back. You're your own best interpreter, that's true. In books you'll find conflicting interpretations anyway when you read enough of them. Authors are individuals and have their own way of deciphering dreams. Many are intuitive (or go with their gut as Kay put it) too.

There's a basic framework to dream interpretation, like other people representing us as was said or a house representing our feelings (like being a dusty, cobwebbed one means we feel neglected). Once you get the basics under your belt, it's not so hard to get a feel for how it all ties together.

But (and it's a big but) we all have experiences in life that make these dream symbols obsolete to where their usual interpretation doesn't apply. You could dream about a toy from childhood and only you would know the special meaning that has to you for example. You also can take into account the feelings you had during it better than an interpreter can. That's why any good dream interpreter will tell you that their interpretation will never be as good as your own will be, because they are on the outside looking in.

I can see by reading that that Kay's interpretation is way beyond what you'd be able to do with a book yourself. That's experience right there and intuition. That woman should charge for these LOL. :)

Viviana Arteaga said:
Wow Kay! That's a lot to chew but the majority is very close to home. Not just on me but also on my friends who are in the dream. She's been having a lot of problems deciding how to tell her parents a few things about how she wants to change a some aspects in her life. She wants to start new things and get rid of some old, her mother is very very religiously strict. (and quiet rude too. I met her once she looked me over and just ignored me totally not even tried to listen to her daughter who tried to introduce me.) She really loves her parents but somethings she just doesn't agree on with them. Same with me I have a few bits of things I don't agree with my family and try to cut my self from. You are a lot of help! I've been trying to look for a good dream interpreter. I had one but gave it to my elder sister, she really liked it so I gave it to her....Now we have no bookstore so I can't buy another one. =I
Kay Elizabeth said:
Weird indeed. Wedding dreams are usually about change/transition/new beginnings. In dreams many people within it can be representative of sides of ourselves. You're represented not just by yourself but by your friend, by the boyfriend, the kids and the parents. You need to remember that part if you're going to follow the rest of this. :)

Chains are normally related to feeling you've got no escape from the burdens you're carrying. Breaking free of chains is seen as the lifting of burdens. So the chains can be either restricting your movements or releasing them, depending on what's going on. Now, I'd say that dream's about breaking free of people/situations in your life, a fresh start. You're the one that's taken control of the chains and you're cutting the people down to size (and their influence on your life). Blood is energy, the life force that runs through us. It's not uncommon to have violent dreams when life isn't going smoothly. The spilling of blood can be representative of the spilling of emotions that need released. The parents are an expression of your own feelings of uncertainty and almost disapproval of what's going to happen. There's a side of you that wants things to change, knows it is about to change but is also not 100% happy about doing what it will take for change to happen. So you (Dan) take a deep breath, smile and just do it. (When men are representative of us and it's a woman dreaming, they tend to illustrate the more masculine traits like aggression, competitiveness and a "feel the fear and do it anyway" attitude.)

It's really important to pay attention to what's said in dreams. When she says "ok guys, lets go!", all three of you go off together, whole again.

I think this is a good dream believe it or not. You're making a decision for change, acting upon it even though you're not 100% sure and it all turns out for the good. Remember, not once are you disturbed by what's going on in the dream. You're happy and smiling because you're shedding those things and people you no longer need. Other people may not like it, whatever it is you're doing or plan to do (hence all the running and screaming) but you're going to do it anyway because you're generally happy with the decision, apart from a small niggle of doubt. All big decisions come with that so that's to be expected.

Notice too that the kids are swinging the chains as well. They represent a younger and more innocent time for you, when you were carefree and joyous. The twigs in the cross...I don't know, my gut tells me this is tied into the childlike side here. Getting back to your roots and true nature, and no longer putting up a facade. The cross suggests divine intervention or angelic guidance to help you get there, white being a color of purity. If you do this, you'll have someone up there looking out for you I'm guessing, put it that way. :)

It's like when someone's been showing one face to the world and they have an epiphany of sorts that it isn't who they truly are, so they decide to start afresh. They cut all the ties with what and who they know now doesn't fit with the new life they want, and begin a new journey in life, unburdened and unshackled by the familiar.

That's my musings on it. Could be right, could be wrong, could be somewhere in the middle. :) Every person interprets their own dreams best so take what makes sense if anything and trash the rest. I rely on my gut a lot when I do this but it could be indigestion, ha! ;)
Wow! That certainly is a very strange dream, indeed! Lol, but it seems kind of funny. (Except for the part about you and your friends killing everybody.) I actually have weird and creepy dreams all the time, but I can't usually remember them. There was one though, that I'll probably never forget.

I can't remember how it started, but I remember me and my best friend at my house in Texas, and then she left my room to do something, and she came back in with my parents and my sister, and they were all zombies. Somehow I managed to fight them off and run out of the house, but everywhere on the street there were zombies.

I ran over to my friend Leslie's house (Who was about 6 while I was 11, and she lived with her mom only, and they were mexican) only to find that she had moved and her house was being occupied by a short young woman who looked like Leslie's mom, and her 6-year-old daughter who looked like Leslie, and they were the only people on Earth who weren't zombies. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the whole time I was in Leslie's house, the whole scene looked like the scream, only different setting and different characters, but painted the same, and I was the only one who didn't look painted and flat.

That's all I remember right now, but I remember how creepy and scared I felt when I woke up, but I didn't run to my parent's room like I normally did. I mean, they had just been zombies a couple minutes ago! So I just stayed in my room for a while and quivered under the covers. LOL! :)
You're right! I use books more as a reference, I read what it says and see if it feels right or not! Thanks all for such great responses!

scribbler said:
Good job there Kay! I wouldn't be concerned about not having a book, Viviana. I was interested in this too years back. You're your own best interpreter, that's true. In books you'll find conflicting interpretations anyway when you read enough of them. Authors are individuals and have their own way of deciphering dreams. Many are intuitive (or go with their gut as Kay put it) too.

There's a basic framework to dream interpretation, like other people representing us as was said or a house representing our feelings (like being a dusty, cobwebbed one means we feel neglected). Once you get the basics under your belt, it's not so hard to get a feel for how it all ties together.

But (and it's a big but) we all have experiences in life that make these dream symbols obsolete to where their usual interpretation doesn't apply. You could dream about a toy from childhood and only you would know the special meaning that has to you for example. You also can take into account the feelings you had during it better than an interpreter can. That's why any good dream interpreter will tell you that their interpretation will never be as good as your own will be, because they are on the outside looking in.

I can see by reading that that Kay's interpretation is way beyond what you'd be able to do with a book yourself. That's experience right there and intuition. That woman should charge for these LOL. :)

Viviana Arteaga said:
Wow Kay! That's a lot to chew but the majority is very close to home. Not just on me but also on my friends who are in the dream. She's been having a lot of problems deciding how to tell her parents a few things about how she wants to change a some aspects in her life. She wants to start new things and get rid of some old, her mother is very very religiously strict. (and quiet rude too. I met her once she looked me over and just ignored me totally not even tried to listen to her daughter who tried to introduce me.) She really loves her parents but somethings she just doesn't agree on with them. Same with me I have a few bits of things I don't agree with my family and try to cut my self from. You are a lot of help! I've been trying to look for a good dream interpreter. I had one but gave it to my elder sister, she really liked it so I gave it to her....Now we have no bookstore so I can't buy another one. =I
Kay Elizabeth said:
Weird indeed. Wedding dreams are usually about change/transition/new beginnings. In dreams many people within it can be representative of sides of ourselves. You're represented not just by yourself but by your friend, by the boyfriend, the kids and the parents. You need to remember that part if you're going to follow the rest of this. :)

Chains are normally related to feeling you've got no escape from the burdens you're carrying. Breaking free of chains is seen as the lifting of burdens. So the chains can be either restricting your movements or releasing them, depending on what's going on. Now, I'd say that dream's about breaking free of people/situations in your life, a fresh start. You're the one that's taken control of the chains and you're cutting the people down to size (and their influence on your life). Blood is energy, the life force that runs through us. It's not uncommon to have violent dreams when life isn't going smoothly. The spilling of blood can be representative of the spilling of emotions that need released. The parents are an expression of your own feelings of uncertainty and almost disapproval of what's going to happen. There's a side of you that wants things to change, knows it is about to change but is also not 100% happy about doing what it will take for change to happen. So you (Dan) take a deep breath, smile and just do it. (When men are representative of us and it's a woman dreaming, they tend to illustrate the more masculine traits like aggression, competitiveness and a "feel the fear and do it anyway" attitude.)

It's really important to pay attention to what's said in dreams. When she says "ok guys, lets go!", all three of you go off together, whole again.

I think this is a good dream believe it or not. You're making a decision for change, acting upon it even though you're not 100% sure and it all turns out for the good. Remember, not once are you disturbed by what's going on in the dream. You're happy and smiling because you're shedding those things and people you no longer need. Other people may not like it, whatever it is you're doing or plan to do (hence all the running and screaming) but you're going to do it anyway because you're generally happy with the decision, apart from a small niggle of doubt. All big decisions come with that so that's to be expected.

Notice too that the kids are swinging the chains as well. They represent a younger and more innocent time for you, when you were carefree and joyous. The twigs in the cross...I don't know, my gut tells me this is tied into the childlike side here. Getting back to your roots and true nature, and no longer putting up a facade. The cross suggests divine intervention or angelic guidance to help you get there, white being a color of purity. If you do this, you'll have someone up there looking out for you I'm guessing, put it that way. :)

It's like when someone's been showing one face to the world and they have an epiphany of sorts that it isn't who they truly are, so they decide to start afresh. They cut all the ties with what and who they know now doesn't fit with the new life they want, and begin a new journey in life, unburdened and unshackled by the familiar.

That's my musings on it. Could be right, could be wrong, could be somewhere in the middle. :) Every person interprets their own dreams best so take what makes sense if anything and trash the rest. I rely on my gut a lot when I do this but it could be indigestion, ha! ;)

My sister had a dream a few years back about us being killed by a Leprechaun in our other house! lol I thought that was so funny!

Callie Leah said:
Wow! That certainly is a very strange dream, indeed! Lol, but it seems kind of funny. (Except for the part about you and your friends killing everybody.) I actually have weird and creepy dreams all the time, but I can't usually remember them. There was one though, that I'll probably never forget.

I can't remember how it started, but I remember me and my best friend at my house in Texas, and then she left my room to do something, and she came back in with my parents and my sister, and they were all zombies. Somehow I managed to fight them off and run out of the house, but everywhere on the street there were zombies.

I ran over to my friend Leslie's house (Who was about 6 while I was 11, and she lived with her mom only, and they were mexican) only to find that she had moved and her house was being occupied by a short young woman who looked like Leslie's mom, and her 6-year-old daughter who looked like Leslie, and they were the only people on Earth who weren't zombies. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the whole time I was in Leslie's house, the whole scene looked like the scream, only different setting and different characters, but painted the same, and I was the only one who didn't look painted and flat.

That's all I remember right now, but I remember how creepy and scared I felt when I woke up, but I didn't run to my parent's room like I normally did. I mean, they had just been zombies a couple minutes ago! So I just stayed in my room for a while and quivered under the covers. LOL! :)
I'm very glad that was helpful to you. :) It's been a long time since I did one and I rely a lot on intuition when I do on what's the most probable interpretation. Keep us posted on how it's going for you and your friend. You're at an age when the first stirrings of self-discovery and self awareness become more acute. It's not unusual to have different ideas from your parents. I went through it and so probably did our own parents with their parents. Really it would be more unusual to not have that happen.

When you're still living at home it isn't quite so easy to be a free spirit. I take it your friend is there. The best advice I can give is slowly does it. Gradual change is accepted more readily than an overnight transformation. Thoughtful dialog and negotiation works better than fighting and tantrums. The bottom line is that your parents just want the best for you. They love you, and that's something you can't see until you've got kids of your own: that they wanted to protect you, not hold you back. If your friend can hold that in her mind and respect that, it'll show her mom if nothing else that she's matured into a young adult.

And thanks scribbler for the compliment. You're not the first person to tell me that I should charge for them actually. :) I considered it, but it didn't feel right at the time so I never followed through. I simply don't have the time anyway. It took me almost an hour to do Viviana's and that's about average.

Viviana Arteaga said:
Wow Kay! That's a lot to chew but the majority is very close to home. Not just on me but also on my friends who are in the dream. She's been having a lot of problems deciding how to tell her parents a few things about how she wants to change a some aspects in her life. She wants to start new things and get rid of some old, her mother is very very religiously strict. (and quiet rude too. I met her once she looked me over and just ignored me totally not even tried to listen to her daughter who tried to introduce me.) She really loves her parents but somethings she just doesn't agree on with them. Same with me I have a few bits of things I don't agree with my family and try to cut my self from. You are a lot of help! I've been trying to look for a good dream interpreter. I had one but gave it to my elder sister, she really liked it so I gave it to her....Now we have no bookstore so I can't buy another one. =I
Kay Elizabeth said:
Weird indeed. Wedding dreams are usually about change/transition/new beginnings. In dreams many people within it can be representative of sides of ourselves. You're represented not just by yourself but by your friend, by the boyfriend, the kids and the parents. You need to remember that part if you're going to follow the rest of this. :)

Chains are normally related to feeling you've got no escape from the burdens you're carrying. Breaking free of chains is seen as the lifting of burdens. So the chains can be either restricting your movements or releasing them, depending on what's going on. Now, I'd say that dream's about breaking free of people/situations in your life, a fresh start. You're the one that's taken control of the chains and you're cutting the people down to size (and their influence on your life). Blood is energy, the life force that runs through us. It's not uncommon to have violent dreams when life isn't going smoothly. The spilling of blood can be representative of the spilling of emotions that need released.

The parents are an expression of your own feelings of uncertainty and almost disapproval of what's going to happen. There's a side of you that wants things to change, knows it is about to change but is also not 100% happy about doing what it will take for change to happen. So you (Dan) take a deep breath, smile and just do it. (When men are representative of us and it's a woman dreaming, they tend to illustrate the more masculine traits like aggression, competitiveness and a "feel the fear and do it anyway" attitude.)

It's really important to pay attention to what's said in dreams. When she says "ok guys, lets go!", all three of you go off together, whole again.

I think this is a good dream believe it or not. You're making a decision for change, acting upon it even though you're not 100% sure and it all turns out for the good. Remember, not once are you disturbed by what's going on in the dream. You're happy and smiling because you're shedding those things and people you no longer need. Other people may not like it, whatever it is you're doing or plan to do (hence all the running and screaming) but you're going to do it anyway because you're generally happy with the decision, apart from a small niggle of doubt. All big decisions come with that so that's to be expected.

Notice too that the kids are swinging the chains as well. They represent a younger and more innocent time for you, when you were carefree and joyous. The twigs in the cross...I don't know, my gut tells me this is tied into the childlike side here. Getting back to your roots and true nature, and no longer putting up a facade. The cross suggests divine intervention or angelic guidance to help you get there, white being a color of purity. If you do this, you'll have someone up there looking out for you I'm guessing, put it that way. :)

It's like when someone's been showing one face to the world and they have an epiphany of sorts that it isn't who they truly are, so they decide to start afresh. They cut all the ties with what and who they know now doesn't fit with the new life they want, and begin a new journey in life, unburdened and unshackled by the familiar.

That's my musings on it. Could be right, could be wrong, could be somewhere in the middle. :) Every person interprets their own dreams best so take what makes sense if anything and trash the rest. I rely on my gut a lot when I do this but it could be indigestion, ha! ;)
lol, yeah, those little green guys can be pretty protective of their gold sometimes!

Viviana Arteaga said:

My sister had a dream a few years back about us being killed by a Leprechaun in our other house! lol I thought that was so funny!

Callie Leah said:
Wow! That certainly is a very strange dream, indeed! Lol, but it seems kind of funny. (Except for the part about you and your friends killing everybody.) I actually have weird and creepy dreams all the time, but I can't usually remember them. There was one though, that I'll probably never forget.

I can't remember how it started, but I remember me and my best friend at my house in Texas, and then she left my room to do something, and she came back in with my parents and my sister, and they were all zombies. Somehow I managed to fight them off and run out of the house, but everywhere on the street there were zombies.

I ran over to my friend Leslie's house (Who was about 6 while I was 11, and she lived with her mom only, and they were mexican) only to find that she had moved and her house was being occupied by a short young woman who looked like Leslie's mom, and her 6-year-old daughter who looked like Leslie, and they were the only people on Earth who weren't zombies. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the whole time I was in Leslie's house, the whole scene looked like the scream, only different setting and different characters, but painted the same, and I was the only one who didn't look painted and flat.

That's all I remember right now, but I remember how creepy and scared I felt when I woke up, but I didn't run to my parent's room like I normally did. I mean, they had just been zombies a couple minutes ago! So I just stayed in my room for a while and quivered under the covers. LOL! :)
Ha ha I had a weird dream that my ex boyfriend and I were in someplace and and we were talking and he hugged me and said he was gonna draw me something. So he took out some make up out of nowhere, pink eye shadow and drew a horse with it. We just looked at each other and started laughing.

lol I think it means I need to forgive him. We are too much of friends for me to be upset at him with him not knowing I am. When he comes back in November from basic training hopefully he'll tell me he is gonna get married and let him think I didn't find out from a social network. Just because someone gives you hope doesn't mean you should just hang on to it, you have to work to make it into a reality.
It was the kind of Leprechaun like from the scary movie kind. That kind of Leprechaun!!

Callie Leah said:
lol, yeah, those little green guys can be pretty protective of their gold sometimes!

Viviana Arteaga said:

My sister had a dream a few years back about us being killed by a Leprechaun in our other house! lol I thought that was so funny!

Callie Leah said:
Wow! That certainly is a very strange dream, indeed! Lol, but it seems kind of funny. (Except for the part about you and your friends killing everybody.) I actually have weird and creepy dreams all the time, but I can't usually remember them. There was one though, that I'll probably never forget.

I can't remember how it started, but I remember me and my best friend at my house in Texas, and then she left my room to do something, and she came back in with my parents and my sister, and they were all zombies. Somehow I managed to fight them off and run out of the house, but everywhere on the street there were zombies.

I ran over to my friend Leslie's house (Who was about 6 while I was 11, and she lived with her mom only, and they were mexican) only to find that she had moved and her house was being occupied by a short young woman who looked like Leslie's mom, and her 6-year-old daughter who looked like Leslie, and they were the only people on Earth who weren't zombies. Oh yeah, and did I mention that the whole time I was in Leslie's house, the whole scene looked like the scream, only different setting and different characters, but painted the same, and I was the only one who didn't look painted and flat.

That's all I remember right now, but I remember how creepy and scared I felt when I woke up, but I didn't run to my parent's room like I normally did. I mean, they had just been zombies a couple minutes ago! So I just stayed in my room for a while and quivered under the covers. LOL! :)

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Watford, United Kingdom

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