Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

People always assume to be a good writer, or a good anything, you have to be an adualt. I completely disagree. I'm 12 years old, and I'm working on a novel and have ideas for two others. When I lived in Texas, I would sit in my tree in my backyard with my best friends and we would make up stoies together, and most of them were very well thought out.

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Wow, Callie! I assumed you were in your late teens at the least. I know writers that were good at a young age and writers that were bad at an advanced age. ;) Age helps you in one main respect: you have life experience behind you and the wisdom that comes with that. Having a passion for writing or anything else that's important to you is what makes the difference. If you don't have that, whether you're eight or eighty won't make any difference. :)
I have to agree, age does not make people better writers, it makes them wiser of course, purely because you have had more experiences and can rely on that when writing. Just like any other profession, a cabinet maker, artist or anyone it takes passion for what you are doing.

Never let anyone tell you that you have to be an adult to write, there are many writers I see every day that do not write well at all and never will be able to. What it takes is whether you are writing a novel or writing something for the Internet is to draw the reader in, make them interested in what they are reading.
I have to agree, age does not make people better writers, it makes them wiser of course, purely because you have had more experiences and can rely on that when writing. Just like any other profession, a cabinet maker, artist, or anyone it takes passion for what you are doing.

Never let anyone tell you that you have to be an adult to write, there are many writers I see every day that do not write well at all and never will be able to. What it takes is whether you are writing a novel or writing something for the Internet is to draw the reader in, make them interested in what they are reading.

When I am interviewing with a prospective client, one of the things I am asked is if I can write creative articles. I show them a piece I wrote for a group of writers I belong to that is dramatic enough to bring the reader right to the place the story is taking place and feel what the character feels in a few hundred words. Age has nothing to do with writing, and I am speaking from the much older side of 12.
Thanks, but if my computer let me actually post a picture, then me being in my late teens would be your last thought.

Kay Elizabeth said:
Wow, Callie! I assumed you were in your late teens at the least. I know writers that were good at a young age and writers that were bad at an advanced age. ;) Age helps you in one main respect: you have life experience behind you and the wisdom that comes with that. Having a passion for writing or anything else that's important to you is what makes the difference. If you don't have that, whether you're eight or eighty won't make any difference. :)
Wow, thanks you guys. This only proves my point further. My best friend is a much better writer than I am, and she's only 2 months older than me! A lot of young children could be good writers, people just think books are dumb for some reason. I had a group of boys in my school today call me weird because I was reading when I could have been conversing, but when they said that, all I thought of was the fact that one day, I would be a rich and famous author while they were sitting under a bridge somewhere. :-)
My friends, I am sad to say, the people running don't seem to agree with us. I just recieved an e-mail saying my mother has to send him an e-mail giving me permission to stay on in the next week, or I will be banned for a year until I am thirteen. I think that it's because of this discussion because, as you saw, I posted saying I was only 12 and I've been a member for at least a month now. If I disappear for a while, then it's ecause my mom didn't send the e-mail. I hope she does because I know that you guys are my friends and I would miss you guys as much as I would my friends if I got suspended for a year. (Which is highly illogical considering the fact that I'm one of the best students at the school.) It's like they don't even care about the fact that I love this site. I just wanted to tell you all how much I will miss you if I don't have time to say good-bye. You guys are awesome writers and really fun people and I know you'll make it to the best-sellers list one day. I'll miss you all if I have to leave but I'll be back July 23rd next year. Pray for me! :-)
Hear, hear Sandra. If you can't hold your reader's attention and it's important to you to sell your work, you might as well start over. I love books that suck me in where I lose all sense of time. I've burned many a dinner because of them. :) Any tips you want to share on how to keep it interesting?

Sandra Kitchen said:
I have to agree, age does not make people better writers, it makes them wiser of course, purely because you have had more experiences and can rely on that when writing. Just like any other profession, a cabinet maker, artist, or anyone it takes passion for what you are doing.

Never let anyone tell you that you have to be an adult to write, there are many writers I see every day that do not write well at all and never will be able to. What it takes is whether you are writing a novel or writing something for the Internet is to draw the reader in, make them interested in what they are reading.

When I am interviewing with a prospective client, one of the things I am asked is if I can write creative articles. I show them a piece I wrote for a group of writers I belong to that is dramatic enough to bring the reader right to the place the story is taking place and feel what the character feels in a few hundred words. Age has nothing to do with writing, and I am speaking from the much older side of 12.
I hope your mom does send that e mail lol you remind me of myself 6 yrs ago!! I sound so old saying that (no offense to anyone). I loved reading books because I never really made any real friends in elementary and books were my friends and people called me weird too. But some people say I look like a person that would punch you in the face if you said hi to me. I ain't no violent person lol BUT GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EMAIL!!!

Callie Leah Dewees said:
My friends, I am sad to say, the people running don't seem to agree with us. I just recieved an e-mail saying my mother has to send him an e-mail giving me permission to stay on in the next week, or I will be banned for a year until I am thirteen. I think that it's because of this discussion because, as you saw, I posted saying I was only 12 and I've been a member for at least a month now. If I disappear for a while, then it's ecause my mom didn't send the e-mail. I hope she does because I know that you guys are my friends and I would miss you guys as much as I would my friends if I got suspended for a year. (Which is highly illogical considering the fact that I'm one of the best students at the school.) It's like they don't even care about the fact that I love this site. I just wanted to tell you all how much I will miss you if I don't have time to say good-bye. You guys are awesome writers and really fun people and I know you'll make it to the best-sellers list one day. I'll miss you all if I have to leave but I'll be back July 23rd next year. Pray for me! :-)
Thanks Viviana! That means a lot. I've never really been able to relate to people my own age either. Most of the time, I'm actually the teachers favorite! I don't know why but for some reasom, it's always been easier for me to be the teacher's favorite. It's odd though. At first, I thought books were dunb just like everyone else did, but then I read a novel called inkheart and I loved it. At the beginning of each chapter, there was a pragraph or two of some other book that summarized the story. Maybe some of you guys would like to read it!

Viviana Arteaga said:
I hope your mom does send that e mail lol you remind me of myself 6 yrs ago!! I sound so old saying that (no offense to anyone). I loved reading books because I never really made any real friends in elementary and books were my friends and people called me weird too. But some people say I look like a person that would punch you in the face if you said hi to me. I ain't no violent person lol BUT GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EMAIL!!!

Callie Leah Dewees said:
My friends, I am sad to say, the people running don't seem to agree with us. I just recieved an e-mail saying my mother has to send him an e-mail giving me permission to stay on in the next week, or I will be banned for a year until I am thirteen. I think that it's because of this discussion because, as you saw, I posted saying I was only 12 and I've been a member for at least a month now. If I disappear for a while, then it's ecause my mom didn't send the e-mail. I hope she does because I know that you guys are my friends and I would miss you guys as much as I would my friends if I got suspended for a year. (Which is highly illogical considering the fact that I'm one of the best students at the school.) It's like they don't even care about the fact that I love this site. I just wanted to tell you all how much I will miss you if I don't have time to say good-bye. You guys are awesome writers and really fun people and I know you'll make it to the best-sellers list one day. I'll miss you all if I have to leave but I'll be back July 23rd next year. Pray for me! :-)
Callie, you are a fantastic contributor here. I want you to know that I'm 100% sure it wouldn't have anything to do with you not being wanted here. Get that idea out of your head, girl. :) Have you ever heard of COPPA? If not, look it up. Youngsters under 13 need parental permission to be involved in certain kinds of sites and this must be one of them. The website owner's hands would be tied because they must comply with the law, that's all. Don't take it personally.

I hope your mom sends the email. That's all that would be needed. I've seen this happen on other forums too. COPPA was created to protect young people online. The owners are doing the right thing in following the law and looking out for you.

Callie Leah Dewees said:
My friends, I am sad to say, the people running don't seem to agree with us. I just recieved an e-mail saying my mother has to send him an e-mail giving me permission to stay on in the next week, or I will be banned for a year until I am thirteen. I think that it's because of this discussion because, as you saw, I posted saying I was only 12 and I've been a member for at least a month now. If I disappear for a while, then it's ecause my mom didn't send the e-mail. I hope she does because I know that you guys are my friends and I would miss you guys as much as I would my friends if I got suspended for a year. (Which is highly illogical considering the fact that I'm one of the best students at the school.) It's like they don't even care about the fact that I love this site. I just wanted to tell you all how much I will miss you if I don't have time to say good-bye. You guys are awesome writers and really fun people and I know you'll make it to the best-sellers list one day. I'll miss you all if I have to leave but I'll be back July 23rd next year. Pray for me! :-)
Well read people are always interesting to be around, Callie. They have more to talk about than TV. Boys can find intelligent girls intimidating too you know. They have no idea how to handle it so they make fun instead.

When you're rich and famous, those same boys will all be claiming to have been your best buddy in school. You handled that well. Keep up that good attitude. :)

Callie Leah Dewees said:
Wow, thanks you guys. This only proves my point further. My best friend is a much better writer than I am, and she's only 2 months older than me! A lot of young children could be good writers, people just think books are dumb for some reason. I had a group of boys in my school today call me weird because I was reading when I could have been conversing, but when they said that, all I thought of was the fact that one day, I would be a rich and famous author while they were sitting under a bridge somewhere. :-)
Kay, the only real advice I can give you is write what you’re passionate about, for example this short story was written about a soldier that was home from war and dreaming of going back. That is where he felt at home, and I drew on the fact that I have a child in the military. I posted the short story in the blogs postings.

Callie, hopefully your mother will see that this is not a group where there would be anything posted that is not fit for someone your age.

Kay Elizabeth said:
Hear, hear Sandra. If you can't hold your reader's attention and it's important to you to sell your work, you might as well start over. I love books that suck me in where I lose all sense of time. I've burned many a dinner because of them. :) Any tips you want to share on how to keep it interesting?

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