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As always im in a rush 

so this shall be sweet and simple. this discussion is as it states,.

Describe yourself to me.

Not one word. But two.

Only two? You may be asking.

because One is To me Simply impossible. lol  

2 is enough to Put your brain beneath pressure.

and in this case, pressure is Good.

I shall write yet another discussion in the week to come. for now see ya.



And my 2 words.


 Sensually captivating.

Those who Disagree Shall PERISH!! lol 


sorry trying to control myself. 


C YA! 

Views: 367

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks @Betty

Betty Damil said:

awesome awesome ;) you sound like a marvelous guy, dude! 

Jonathon Koerner said:

Daring, heartfelt

Oh this one is easy!!!


Control Freak! 


Yep - that's me! 100% type A peronality! 

We all like to think we are in control... However....

Still Dreaming

In life I am still I don't know what I want to do or where I should go and so the days and nights merge into one another feeling unreal, and the few excitements I have seem to last for a long time but are truly very short as if in a dream.

hahah no doubt true! we try though!

Sean Noonan said:

We all like to think we are in control... However....

you speak as if your life is that of an illusion. lol Do you wish for it to remain like that? dREAMS ARE NICE BUT A MIRAGE SPAWNED BY THE SKULL CAN ONLY OFFER TEMPORARY BLISS. create your dreams in reality. ;)

Viviana Arteaga said:

Still Dreaming

In life I am still I don't know what I want to do or where I should go and so the days and nights merge into one another feeling unreal, and the few excitements I have seem to last for a long time but are truly very short as if in a dream.

I think a part of us all wish to be in control. lol i use to be a control freak too. then thought to myself... "awww F*ck it"

Stacy Eaton said:

Oh this one is easy!!!


Control Freak! 


Yep - that's me! 100% type A peronality! 

YOur welcome. ;)

Jonathon Koerner said:

Thanks @Betty

Betty Damil said:

awesome awesome ;) you sound like a marvelous guy, dude! 

Jonathon Koerner said:

Daring, heartfelt

Frantically Bizarre

Spasmodic colon... 

Just thought I'd throw that one in for consideration. Take it any way you like.

Inordinately splendiferous!

Always Busy.

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