Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
I always recommend a multitiered approach: querying literary agents, querying editors, meeting agents, and meeting editors. If you’ve ever submitted anything before, you know why I recommend this approach. Most agents and editors take a long time to reply to writers’ queries, not because they’re mean or don’t care, but because in the grand scheme of things, material from people you don’t already represent or publish is not as important as material from people you do. A wait of several months up to a year is not uncommon. If you queried one agent at a time, one editor at a time, you could be in your dotage by the time you got an answer. Agent know how slow editors can be. That’s why we often make simultaneous submissions.
shannon harrison said:
my name is shannon harrison..i started a blog about my true story.and also on face book.I have been told I should write my own i was wondering how to submit and find a publisher.I have a concept for the book that has never been done.As you look on my website you will see over 800 have viewed and wrote me their true stores.and as you look on my face book site over 300 hundred with in a week.Please take a look at the sites and you will find what im about.I pray you can help me out because alot of folks.are interested in this email acct is thanks shannon
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