Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers
Hello All, I'm still trying to find my way around this site but I thought I had best start by saying hello!
If you'd like to know a bit about me please visit my webpage but ignore the photo as it's awful. That is actually me scrubbed up! Eeek! I know it's lazy just putting that link on but it does save me writing it all out! Plus it gives me more time to have a mooch around here.
Hopefully speak to you soon.
Dawn x
Hi Dawn, nice to meet you. Please make yourself at home and most importantly, join in the discussions! :) Just ask if you have questions. Our members don't bite. :)
And please post your review request in the correct place here which would be the Book Reviews Group. Simply join the group to create a new topic.
After that, check out the rest of the Groups to see if there's any you fancy joining. The link's at the top of this page under the header.
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