Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

Oak Tree Press is holding its first memoir contest. Entry fee is $25 and the deadline is Sept. 30. First place is publication in both trade and e-book formats. So far, we've had few entries. Although the memoir contest is not listed, rules are the same as the Dark Oak mystery contest. The only difference is the extended deadline and the book can be as short as 40,000 words.

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I'll be sending along my memoir sometime soon, Sunny.  Glad to see this reminder on  AND  to see that there's a section of the site just for memoir writers.  That's what I'll probably blog about. 

Eileen Obser said:

I'll be sending along my memoir sometime soon, Sunny.  Glad to see this reminder on  AND  to see that there's a section of the site just for memoir writers.  That's what I'll probably blog about. 

Im knew and I'm doing alot with my truth. I have a foundation GodsRehab, anf face book. Its something that has not been done. So can you give me the rules and how to submit..yhanks sfannon


The rules can be found on this website:  So far, not a lot of people have submitted, so, unlike other contests, you probably have a better chance of winning. This is the first time we've offered this sort of contest, and whether we do so again depends on how successful it is.

Good luck! 

shannon harrison said:

Im knew and I'm doing alot with my truth. I have a foundation GodsRehab, anf face book. Its something that has not been done. So can you give me the rules and how to submit..yhanks sfannon

Also, Shannon, there's a newsletter online that has many great tips for writers. It's free. My article on the history of publishing is included:

shannon harrison said:

Im knew and I'm doing alot with my truth. I have a foundation GodsRehab, anf face book. Its something that has not been done. So can you give me the rules and how to submit..yhanks sfannon


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