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Introducing the concept of Content Editting to an author?

As an artist , fellow Creative, I am definitely in the 'I do this for me... I don't need anyone's opinion...What do you think?... Hope you like it...' column. I'm protective of my not too thick skin when it comes to my work. I do write, but not books. I'm pretty keen at editting myself. So much so, I edit homework from middle school work to college papers to near final scripts.

This also has opened me up to reading some works that need more than editting. How does one introduce the need of a Content Editor to an author? Tactfully. What are your experiences on both ends of that coin? 

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A lot of writers who have not experienced the problems of publication fall into a common trap. By 'having' work edited they imagine that is the finished, final perfect manuscript they hold in their hand. No so. Take a read of some e-books on Smashwords, A large percentage of self published work have been edited but the editor has done only Copy & Line Editing. Many don't know about Development editing which helps to line all the 'bunnies ' up in a row so they can be shot down in the Copy and Line editing.  That's why there exists a stigma when it comes to self-published work.

Best wishes

Key word... development! The outline of the stories are great. With development editting that first book could be 2 or 3. The story gets rushed with too much given away... or not enough. That needs to be posted, no ,flashing in bright colors for all emerging storytellers that content and developing edits are available and most likely necessary to make the big leagues. Every relevant site, class, library, bookstore and where ever else writers hang out should have to contemplate this because somebody mentioned it early on. The reader should not be the first to mention it. I cringe at the thought! LOL

I don't believe tact works because it doesn't always sink in. Too many are too precious about their work to hear constructive criticism. The subtle approach is often wasted. I prefer honesty because that's what I would want. No sugar-coating to soothe my ego, thanks.

For example you have misspelled editing several times in this thread, Tara. Yet you say you edit homework for others. Perhaps there's a need to hone your own skills more before doing so. You'd be doing them and yourself a favour I feel. And by the way, that's the UK spelling of favour.

When you're doing it for yourself then spell any way you want, sure! But when it's at the expense of others who are counting on you to pick up such errors, then imho it's not so clear-cut. 

As an artist , fellow Creative, I am definitely in the 'I do this for me... I don't need anyone's opinion...What do you think?... Hope you like it...' column. I'm protective of my not too thick skin when it comes to my work. I do write, but not books. I'm pretty keen at editting myself. So much so, I edit homework from middle school work to college papers to near final scripts.

This also has opened me up to reading some works that need more than editting. How does one introduce the need of a Content Editor to an author? Tactfully. What are your experiences on both ends of that coin? 

Aggressive much? 'imho'?

Sorry you found my post aggressive, Tara. I didn't think it was and was not my intent. I was being honest and apologise if it came across as that. imho, yes - in my humble opinion.


Here's a sample of some of my writing I do for myself. This was actually featured today in the Born to Create Group on redbubble. Very proud since this was my first written post. I wrote this while helping a middle schooler write hyperboles.

The voice of the New One
floating silently within the pool of life.
with the harshness of cold
strange arrival.
The shock of first pain.

Crying for the familiar
now to far to comfort
and protect.
Passing through a jungle of arms.
The sting of steely bees.
The pelting of endless cooing!

The New One comes
to rest in the cradle
of Mother's swaddling arms
at last...

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