Authors, Writers, Publishers, and Book Readers

If you're not familiar with Kickstarter, it's a website where you can go share a project you want to see come to life, and people can donate small to largish amounts to help you achieve your goal. It's a way of supporting creative projects in a small yet meaningful way.  You can offer prizes to your backers depending on how much they pledge too. This is what he offered. (Click on "uploaded" to see his project page at Kickstarter. You can read the whole article here. )


...And so in August of this year, Pratt uploaded his project onto Kickstarter with video and text explaining his goal. Like before, he offered a series of prizes: For $5 you could get your name in the acknowledgments; for $10, a bookmark; for $50, "a signed limited-edition chapbook featuring a new Marla Mason story"; for $75, "a signed trade paperback" of the novel; all the way up to $2,000, which would result in Pratt writing a "Marla Mason short story just for you, featuring any supporting character of your choice, to be produced in a signed chapbook limited edition of a single copy."

What do you think about this taking this route? It's an interesting deviation from the norm.

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I like this idea. I like it a lot, as some great marketing or publishing packages start at around $1800, it would be a great way to find the income! Amazing....I think I might look into this.

Me too. I had heard of Kick starter just did not think about using that myself. When your a self-publisher on a very fixed income that might be the way to go. You might not get all of it but you might get some to help ease the burden somewhat. Great Idea

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